• Thursday, December 23, 2021


UNJ has made another achievement, after last January, UNJ started proudly with its Superior accreditation status for the next five years. Arriving at the end of the year, it closed so sweetly with the breaking of the muri record for the most inauguration of professors, namely 30 professors who were inaugurated.

Professor is the highest achievement in a lecturer’s Functional Position for a particular expertise.

The issuance of a decree from the ministry for Professors at UNJ, starting from 2019 to 2021. However, the Professor inauguration event took place throughout 2021 starting from June to December 2021. With a total of 30 teachers Professors who have been inaugurated.

The following are the inauguration dates, names of professors and their fields of knowledge:

  • Tuesday, 8 June 2021, Prof. Dr. Komarudin, M.Si. Field of Science Evaluation of Pancasila Education and Citizenship Education
  • Tuesday, 15 June 2021, Prof. Dr. Awaluddin, M.Pd. Guidance and Counseling Education; Prof. Dr. Arifin Maksum, M.Pd. Field of Basic Education Sciences; Prof. Dr. Fahrurrozi, M.Pd. Elementary School Indonesian Language Education.
  • Wednesday, June 16, Prof. Dr. Durotul Yatimah, M.Pd. Field of Public Education Sciences; Prof. Dr. Neti Karnati M.Pd. Education Management Science.
  • Tuesday, 5 October 2021, Prof. Dr. Etin Solihatin, M.Pd. Field of Science and Technology Education Pancasila and Citizenship; Prof. Dr. Sarkadi, M.Si in PPKn Learning Management.
  • Wednesday, 6 October 2021, Prof. Dr. Dra. Hj. Dewi Susita, M.Sc. Field of Management Science; Prof. Dr. Sri Nikensari, S.E., M.Sc. Field of Economics; Prof. Dr. Harya Kuncara Wiralaga, S.E., M.Sc. Economics.
  • Thursday, October 7, 2021, Prof. Dr. Ucu Cahyana, M.Si. Field of Chemistry Learning Management Science; Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, M.Si in the field of Biochemistry; Prof. Dr. Edwita, M.Pd. Field of Early Childhood Education.
  • Wednesday, October 8, 2021. Prof. Dr. Erfan Handoko, M.Si in Materials Physics; Prof. Dr. Mangasi Alion Marpaung in Laser Physics and Modern Optics; Prof. Dr. Sunaryo, M.Si in Environmental Education.
  • Tuesday, 7 December 2021, rof. Dr. Mohamad Rizan, S.E., M.M in Marketing Management; Prof. Dr. Dra. Rd. Tuty Sariwulan, M.Si in Management Science; Prof. Dr. Ramdan Saddle, M.Or. Field of Measurement Test and Anthropometry
  • Wednesday, 8 December 2021. Prof. Dr. Wardani Rahayu, M.Si. Field of Mathematics Education Evaluation, Prof. Dr. Nunik Lustyantie, M.Pd. Field of Language Education; Prof. Dr. Widiastuti, M.Pd. Field of Sports Measurement Test Science.
  • Monday, December 13, 2021, Prof. Dr. Drs. Muchlas Suseno, M.Pd. Field of Education Evaluation Science; Prof. Dr. Dra. Corry Yohana, M.M. Field of Education Management Science, Prof. Dr. Siti Nurjanah, S.E., M.Sc. Management Science.
  • Tuesday, December 14, 2021. Prof. Dr. Henry Eryanto, M.M. Field of Economic Education; Prof. Dr. Drs. Budiaman, M.Si in Environmental Education; Prof. Dr. C. Rudy Prihantoro, M.Pd. Field of Curriculum Development Science; Prof. Dr. Hj. Herlina, M.Pd. Field of English Education.

The inauguration event that has taken place so far has been carried out in a hybrid manner. For offline guests, strict health protocols are carried out, starting with swab tests for invited guests. While the online one is broadcast via the YouTube channel EduraTV.

The award ceremony for the award certificate for the Most Professor Inauguration was wrapped with thanksgiving and prayers for the outstanding and reputable UNJ. This event was held on December 21, 2021 at the Latief Hendraningrat Hall, Raden Dewi Sartika Building, UNJ Campus.

Also present were the Chancellor of the UNJ, the Chair of the Senate and the Secretary of the Senate, the Vice Chancellors, the Heads of Institutions, the Deans and the Director of Postgraduate , Heads of Agency and Bureaus as well as Awan Rahargo as Senior Manager of MURI were also present.

Dr. Agus Dudung as Deputy Chancellor II and Person in Charge of the event said in his report that “The Inauguration of Professors of UNJ was carried out from June 8 to December 14, 2021. At the inauguration of professors, each inaugurated professor delivered a scientific oration according to his field of knowledge. . And don’t forget to go through the reviewer that has been determined by the UNJ senate.

In the inauguration of the professorships, a decree was also handed over to award professors’ badges and the awarding of Samir by the chancellor and chairperson of the senate to professors .

Prof. Henry as the representative of the inaugurated Professor said that this achievement could not be separated from the captain, Prof. Komarudin, because in its history from 1964 to this year, usually there are one or two people every year. But in the period of 2021 it will reach 30 Professors. Which in the next year may also increase, said Prof. Henry.

In this regard, we hope that UNJ will become a superior university and have a good reputation both in Asia and the world. “Hopefully on the way UNJ can really carve into a reputable university in the Asian Region and even in the world,” continued Prof. Henry.

On the same occasion Prof. Hafid Abas as Chair of the UNJ Senate also said that we should be grateful for this achievement, today is a historic day for UNJ. Because at the end of the year UNJ gave a special gift with a muri record for the most professors inauguration.

Among those who have been proposed, there are 61 people, 30 people are still waiting for the process, and 31 have already dropped out. It is not impossible that UNJ will have 100 professors. We should also be grateful that UNJ is ranked 3rd for HKI after Brawijaya University and Gajah Mada University, said Prof. Hafid.

Meanwhile, Prof. Komarudin as the Chancellor of UNJ said that we are grateful because the muri is willing and willing to record this record, because the previous record was held by Unila.

30 Professors is a period of publication in 3 years, and actually there are 31 professors. Due to his absence, only 30 professors were inaugurated, from 2019-2021. the details are 3 people in 2019, 17 people in 2020 and 11 in 2021. And confirmed in a series in 2021.

Our hope is that for all fields and aspects we have good achievements, especially when we go to PTN- BH, said Prof. Komarudin.

While Awan Rahargo as the representative of Muri Indonesia said that this record was an extraordinary achievement achieved by UNJ. Muri hopes that the submission of this achievement can have an impact on the assessment and ranking as well as the reputation of UNJ, both nationally and internationally. Today, the Indonesian world record museum will record the 4th time for UNJ. Congratulations to the professor, for carrying out the new task and mandate for the professor, said Awan Rahargo.