Two Chemistry Lecturers Confirmed as Permanent Professors at UNJ

UNJ held the 6th permanent professor inauguration on Thursday, October 7, 2021, local time. The inauguration was held in the Latief Hendraningrat Hall, Dewi Sartika Building. There are three lecturers who have been confirmed as permanent professors at UNJ. Two of the three lecturers are lecturers from the chemistry family, namely Prof. Dr. Ucu Cahyana, M.Si in the field of chemistry learning management and Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, M.Si in the field of biochemistry. 

In the inauguration, Prof. Dr. Ucu Cahyana, M.Si delivered a scientific oration entitled "Integration" Framework Pedagogy on Mobile Learning in Learning Management: Alternatives to Improve Science Literacy”. Indonesia's PISA results, which are far below the average of other countries participating in PISA, are the main topic in the title.  

The achievement of scientific literacy is one of the factors tested in PISA. "The achievement of scientific literacy in Indonesia is still low. We can see that countries that have high scientific literacy achievements are countries that have high creative and innovative power. Therefore, scientific literacy is very influential on the development of innovation," he said. In addition, governance in learning, teachers who do not understand the concept of scientific literacy, student independence, and inadequate facilities and infrastructure also influence the process of achieving scientific literacy in learning activities.  

Based on research on the use of digital technology in the learning it carries out, it is seen that one thing that is spreading very quickly is technology. As research conducted in the 3T area, it was found that most students already used technology in the form of handphone. However, educators are very limited in carrying out teaching and learning activities in the area, especially chemistry educators. Therefore, digital technologies such as mobile learning really helps students learn within the limitations of educators who can't teach every day. Mobile learning designed to have characteristics that are adapted to the achievement of scientific literacy. If mobile learning integrated into good management will be an alternative in increasing scientific literacy in Indonesia.  

Next up is Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, M.Si who presented his scientific oration with the title "The Potential of a Bacterial Detection Kit that Causes Food Poisoning in Strengthening National Independence". The background of the speech was the issue of food safety, especially food poisoning, which is very widespread and increases every year. Processed food and raw food are very susceptible to contamination by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other parasites. Therefore we need a detection method that is accurate, sensitive, specific, fast, easy, and efficient.  

As a form of strengthening the nation's independence in the field of food safety, the UNJ Salmonella team under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, M.Si succeeded in developing 8 (eight) nucleic acid-based bacterial detection kits for food poisoning in the form of a Diagnostic Master that can be used to detect bacteria foodborne pathogen both from pure culture and food using metode Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR).  

Bacteria that are often found as the cause of illness and death are bacteria Salmonella enterica spesies, Shigella spesies, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio species, Clostridium perfringens, Listeria monocytogenes, Toxoplasma gandii and Escherichia coli. Cases of food poisoning are more common in developing countries because of the lack of sanitation, hygiene, facilities, and knowledge. 

The detection method developed by the UNJ Salmonella team is based on Nucleic acid-based methods (genomics), which is a detection method that utilizes the template hybridization process with primers or short nucleotide strands as a partner using the technique Real time Polymerase Chain Reaction (Real-Time PCR). Based on this method, a product was successfully developed in the form of a Bacteria Detection Prototype Kit S. typhi which has been registered in the LPPM UNJ Business incubator and has publications and patents. “It is hoped that this publication and patent can contribute to building the Strategic Plan of the State University of Jakarta and encourage the fields of science and technology, especially in the field of biotechnology. Scientifically, these results are also expected to contribute to the development of models for detecting bacteria that cause food poisoning that are sensitive, specific, fast and accurate, contribute to the repertoire of science, improve quality of life, handle cases, and implement findings for both Partner Institutions and the wider community. ." he said.  

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