The Master of Mathematics Education study program at the State University of Jakarta class of 2022 in collaboration with the SEAMEO Regional Center for QITEP in Mathematics (SEAQiM) held an online Student Competency Improvement Training in ICT and STEM-based Mathematics Teaching with the theme “Integrating ICT and STEM for Mathematics Learning” which was held for two days, namely on Tuesday-Wednesday, August 15-16, 2023 at 08.00-16.00 WIB.
This activity aims to increase students’ understanding, creativity, and innovation in designing and implementing ICT and STEM-based mathematics learning, as well as increasing professional competence as prospective mathematics teachers or lecturers who are able to adapt technology and science in mathematics learning.
The participants of this training activity consisted of 21 students of the Master of Mathematics Education study program and two lecturers as supervisors in this training activity, namely Dr. Meiliasari, M.Sc. and Dr. Flavia Aurelia Hidajat, M.Pd.
On the first day, the training activities began with remarks from SEAQiM by Caecillia Cahyaningsih Kristilestari, S.E. and from UNJ delivered by Dr. Makmuri, M.Si. The SEAQiM Director, represented by Dr. Sri Wulandari Danoebroto as the Deputy Director of the SEAQiM Program, officially opened the training event.
The training presented two resource persons from SEAQiM, namely G. Yoga Utama, M.Sc. and Ummy Salmah, M.Pd., M.Sc. and was delivered through zoom. The training topic on the first day was “How to teach and learn mathematics using GeoGebra” delivered by doaslot Yoga Utama, M.Sc.

The speaker on the second day, Ummy Salmah, M.Sc., gave two training topics and was divided into two sessions, namely “Exploring STEM Activities” in the first session and “Integrating STEM into Indonesian Curriculum” in the second session.

The two-day training ran smoothly. Various informative and critical questions from the trainees could be responded well by the speakers.
Before the activity was closed, the trainees conveyed their impressions and messages during the training and then officially closed by Dr. Sri Wulandari Danoebroto.