Coming Soon — Alumni Gathering for Master of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNJ
The Master of Mathematics Education Study Programme will hold an “Alumni Gathering” event on:
Day/Date : Saturday, June 12th 2021
Time : 13.00 WIB until finish.
Events schedule:
- Foundation of alumni organisation.
- Study Programme Development and Accreditation.
Therefore, we invite all alumni of Master of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNJ to attend the event.
Alumni are expected to fill out the attendance confirmation form at the following link
Here is the Zoom Meeting link for Alumni Gathering activities.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 922 0021 5540
Passcode: 627258
Mr / Mrs alumni can join the group wa
We express our gratitude for your attention.
Contact Person:
Leny Dhianti Haeruman +62 856-9750-9784
Flavia Aurelia Hidajat +62 877-1298-1371
Ardhini Indriastuti +6258-1369-144