Registration of New Students
The Master’s Degree in Mathematics Education opens the opportunity for graduates of Mathematics Education or Mathematics study programmes to register as new students for the 2015/2016 academic year by following the terms and conditions as follows:
The general requirements:
- Bachelor’s degree (S1) in mathematics education or mathematics.
- Have a good academic ability in accordance with the test result criteria set.
- Receive recommendations from two supervisors/lecturers during the bachelor’s degree or direct supervisor at work.
- Be in good health by attaching a doctor’s certificate.
- Applicants who are already working must obtain permission from their supervisor.
Registration for Master’s Degree Mathematics Education Study Programme: March 2nd – June 10th 2015.
For information and registration form collection, please visit FMIPA UNJ.
Submit registration documents including:
- Completed registration form.
- Copies of diplomas and transcripts that have been legalised by the relevant universities.
- Photocopies of diplomas and transcripts that have been legalised through a Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education for applicants who are overseas graduates.
- Academic recommendation letters from two lecturers who have guided in studies or from direct supervisors at your place of work
- Photo copy of personal identity (KTP/SIM/Passport).
- Two 4 x 6 photographs.
- Pay selection fee of Rp.500.000,- (five hundred thousand rupiah)
The selection will be conducted at FMIPA UNJ on June 13th 2015. The selection materials include Academic Potential Test (TPA), English Proficiency Test (TKBI), and Field of Science Test (TBI). Selection results will be announced on June 20th 2015.
Applicants who pass the selection of new student admissions for the Master’s Degree Mathematics Education Study Programme (S2) FMIPA UNJ will be contacted directly by telephone or email. The announcement can also be accessed through the address:
Re-registration of new student candidates on June 22nd – July 11th, 2015. If the prospective students do not re-register on the deadline that has been determined, it is considered to be cancelled as a prospective student.