The second school of Mawapres FMIPA UNJ was held with discussion on personal branding on the day Friday, January 28, 2022. The activity was held online using the platform Zoom Meeting, attended by WD1 and WD3 FMIPA, BEM supervisors, Mawapres-Ambassador Task Force Team, Formapres, lecturers, finalists and students . The Mawapres School agenda was started by the MC, followed by the reading of the opening prayer led by one of the finalists, namely Ilham Maulana from the 2019 class of Chemistry study program, which was then completed by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya and Mars UNJ. After the opening session, there was a welcoming session by Arif Satrio Pamungkan as Chair of the 2021 FMIPA Outstanding Student Forum, and Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni FMIPA UNJ, Mrs. Dr. Diana Vivanti S, M.Si, then delivered material on Personal Branding by Mrs. Dr. Phil. Zarina Akbar, M.Psi.
All Mawapres School participants listen to the material and note the points that must be considered. After the presentation of the material by Mrs. Zarina was completed, a question and answer session was opened and continued with the personal branding exercise which was guided directly by the presenter. The Mawapres School participants were quite enthusiastic, as seen from how the participants responded when asked to change their zoom username based on their respective personal branding. The activity was closed by giving a certificate to Dr. Phil. Zarina Akbar, M. Psi. The ten Mawapres Finalists who must participate are as follows:
- Amario Fausta Harlastputra (Physics 2019)
- Kharisma Widarsih (Biology Education 2019)
- Niken Fitri Salwiah (Biology Education 2019) li>
- Verdy Virgautama (Biology 2019)
- Alyssa Maharani (Mathematics 2019)
- Chika Shafa Maura (Chemistry 2020)
- Ilham Maulana (Kimia 2019)
- Muhammad Fadillah (Kimia 2020)
- Habil Adami’s Achievement (Mathematics Education 2019)
- Intan Puspita Sari (Biology Education 2019)
Hopefully the Mawapres School of FMIPA UNJ can help prepare finalists for the Grand Final for Selection of Outstanding Students of FMIPA UNJ, and can become useful knowledge for finalists and general students who attend the event. this agenda.