• Thursday, January 13, 2022


In order to be successful in the Internship and Independent Study Program Certified Batch II Merdeka Campus, the Career Center of the State University of Jakarta organizes various series of socialization activities, workshops and sharing sessions. The series of activities were carried out for 5 days, starting from 27, 28, 30 December 2021, and 6-7 January 2022. These activities included:

  1. Socialization and Sharing Session of the Internship Program and Certified Independent Study (MSIB) Batch II (December 27, 2021)

December 27, 2021, UNJ Career Center held a socialization and sharing session for MSIB Batch II. This event is held online using Zoom Meeting. The event was also attended by Mr. Dr. Abdul Sukur., M.Si. as Vice Chancellor III for Student Affairs and Alumni of the State University of Jakarta who gave a speech at the beginning of the event, then continued with the presentation of socialization materials by Mrs. Vania Zulfa., M.Pd. as PIC of the Certified Independent Study and Internship Program (MSIB) State University of Jakarta. In addition, there were three UNJ students who shared their experiences during the MSIB Batch I program, namely Vita Eryasuta Reswara from the English Literature Study Program (certified internship participant of the Secretary General of the DPR RI), Dimas Kuncoro Jati from the Statistics Study Program (Certified Independent Study Participant of PT. Microsoft Indonesia ), and Ita Sulistiani from the Information Technology and Computer Education study program (Certified interns at Glints Academy). Recorded activities can be watched again via the following link:< /strong>

  1. Socialization and Sharing Session Certified Internship and Independent Study Program (MSIB) Batch II (December 28, 2021)< /strong>

Then on December 28, 2021, the UNJ Career Center held another socialization and sharing session for MSIB Batch II. This event began with the presentation of socialization materials by Mrs. Vania Zulfa., M.Pd. as PIC of the Certified Independent Study and Internship Program (MSIB) State University of Jakarta. In addition, there were three UNJ students who shared their experiences during the MSIB Batch I program, namely Novan Yonathan Seilatu from the Management Studies Program (Indosat Ooredoo certified internship), Jenia Sindita Putri from the Social Sciences Education study program ( certified apprentices), and Muhammad Taufiqurachman from the Building Engineering Education Study Program (Certified Internship Participant of the Secretary General of the DPR RI). Recorded activities can be watched again via the following link:< /em>

  1. Socialization and Workshop  Certified Internship and Independent Study Program (MSIB) Batch II with Kinobi Asia (December 28, 2021)
December 30, 2021 The UNJ Career Center in collaboration with Kinobi Asia held a Socialization and Workshop on Resume Making for the Preparation of the MSIB Batch II Program. This activity began with a speech and presentation of socialization materials by Mrs. Vania Zulfa., M.Pd. as PIC of the Certified Independent Study and Internship Program (MSIB) State University of Jakarta. Then continued by Mr. Ken Basoeki as Head of Business Development Kinobi Asia who provided workshop material on How to use Resume Builder. After that, it was continued with the presentation of the second workshop material on how to make a good resume or cv by Mrs. Muthiah as SiCepat’s Senior Tech Recruitment. The recording of the activity can be watched again via the following link:< /strong>

  1. Socialization and Workshop Certified Internship and Independent Study Program (MSIB) Batch II with Qubisa (January 06 2022)

On Thursday January 6, 2022 UNJ Career Center in collaboration with Qubisa held a Socialization activity and the MSIB Batch II Program Workshop with the theme “Be A Winner in FGD & LGD”. This activity began with a speech and presentation of socialization materials by Mrs. Vania Zulfa., M.Pd. as PIC of the Certified Independent Study and Internship Program (MSIB) State University of Jakarta. Then proceed with the presentation of the Workshop material which discusses the FGD & LGD by Mrs. Gita Djambek who is an Associate of Lively Training Academy, HR Director of Reckitt Indonesia & Executive Coach. Activity recording can be watched again via the following link:

  1. Socialization and Sharing Session Program Certified Internship and Independent Study (MSIB) Batch II with Alfamidi (January 7 2022)

Friday January 7, 2022  UNJ Career Center again held socialization activities and sharing session MSIB Batch II. This event was opened directly with the presentation of socialization materials by Mrs. Vania Zulfa., M.Pd. as PIC of the Certified Independent Study and Internship Program (MSIB) State University of Jakarta. After that, it was continued with material presentation by Mr. Hermana Susila who is a Trainer at PT Midi Utama Indonesia Tbk. or Alfamidi. Then followed by a sharing session by Annisa Luthfiyanti who is a certified apprentice of batch I at Alfamidi. The activity can be watched again via the following link:

Socialization Activities Workshop and Sharing Session The Certified Independent Study and Internship Program (MSIB) Merdeka Campus Batch II received quite high enthusiasm from students . The total participants who attended this event were approximately 300 people who were active UNJ students.

In the previous batch MSIB program there were 109 UNJ students who passed the selection from 551 students who registered. It is hoped that in the current MSIB Batch II program, UNJ students who register and pass can increase from the previous batch. Through socialization activities and Sharing Session The Batch II Certified Internship and Independent Study Program is also expected to increase knowledge and confidence especially for UNJ students who are interested in enrolling in the MSIB Batch II program.

< p>At registration for the MSIB Batch II Program on January 11, 2022, 36 UNJ students have already determined their preferred partners (actively registered on the Merdeka Campus page). In addition, there are 14 UNJ students who have been accepted by partners and are still in the process of determining the partners they want to choose. Registration for the MSIB Batch II Program itself is still open until January 14, 2022. So, there is still time for students who want to enroll in this program.

UNJ students can directly register through the official website of the independent campus ( Before registering, don’t forget to prepare a recommendation letter from your study program, you can directly download the recommendation letter format via the following link (http:// After that, don’t forget to join the MSIB UNJ Telegram Group to get the latest information and questions and answers about the MSIB Program, you can join directly via the following link (

Last but not least, go follow UNJ Career Center instagram @unjcareercenter for the latest information on programs that can lead you to the career of your dreams!

Here is a link to update data on UNJ students that have been received by MSIB Batch II partners


We will update the student data received by MSIB periodically until the registration deadline is January 14, 2022.

This article has been published on the dan-studies-independen-certifikat-batch-ii-universitas-negeri-jakarta/ date. January 12, 2022