SPMI FMIPA School for KoorProdi and TPjM
The Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) is a systemic activity of ensuring the quality of higher education by each university autonomously to control and improve the implementation of higher education in a planned and sustainable manner. Universities need to cultivate quality for their entire academic community. For this reason, on March 24, 2022, SPMI school activities were held for Coorprodi and Quality Assurance Teams (TPjM) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This SPMI school aims to make the Coorprodi and TPjM have the same understanding of the SPMI documents which include: Policies, Manuals, Standards and Quality Forms. An understanding of the SPMI document is very important so that all education administration in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is planned, standardized, there is a monitoring and evaluation mechanism and there are efforts to improve quality on an ongoing basis.
SPMI School was opened by the Dean of FMIPA Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, M.Si, guided by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Esmar Budi, MT with Prof. Dr. Siti Nurjanah, SE. M.Si who comprehensively provided SPMI material and continued with a question and answer session from the study program coordinator participants and the TpjM team.
Hopefully this activity will provide the maximum benefit for FMIPA UNJ and run an accountable internal quality assurance system.