Statistics Ria is a routine annual event organized by the Bogor Agricultural Institute. Statistics Ria is a series of events consisting of talkshows, national seminars and motivational shows. Taking place at the CCR Auditorium, IPB took place from 11-12 November 2017, with the theme "Expose Your Existence in Data Science“. The series of events began with a talk show with the theme of "Get Closer with a Successful Data Scientist“. Talkshow ini menghadirkan tiga pembicara, yaitu:
  • Teguh Nugroho (Head of Data Science Bukalapak)
  • Fajri Koto (Senior Data Scientist PT. Kreatif Media Karya)
  • Yanti Nisro (Deputy Managing Director DEKA Marketing Research)
This event was moderated by Nabil Badjri (Strategic Partnership Data Science Indonesia) Then the event continued with a National Seminar with the theme "How Far Do You Know about Data Science” . No less interesting, this event also presented a competent speaker in this field, namely Satrio Prabandaru (Business Data Scientist) dan Rifan Kurnia (Head of Data Science and Acturial Experience Study at Allianz). The next series of events was the Motivation Show with speaker Tio Nugraha with the theme "Find Your True Self in StatisticsFind Your True Self a“. UNJ students also took part in this event to broaden their horizons about the development of statistics in Statistics

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