1.Statistics Sharing

There are so many favors that Allah has given and must be grateful for. One way to be grateful for Allah's favor is by giving alms. In order to foster a sense of caring for UNJ Statistics students and also the general public and as a form of community service, the Rohis Department of the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNJ has a sense of responsibility to hold the “Statistika Berbagi” agenda. This activity aims to continue to foster a sense of caring and facilitate UNJ Statistics students and the general public to give alms. The funds that have been collected will later be distributed to people in need in the form of food packages. For this period, “Statistika Berbagi” activities will be carried out twice, in April and December 2022. The first “Statistika Berbagi” was held on April 26, 2022 by distributing around 40 food packages.  

2.Statistics Tahsin Al-Qur'an (STATAQU)

Statistics Tahsin Al-Qur'an is a work program of the Rohis Department of the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNJ for the period 2022 - 2023. Seeing the importance of the Qur'an for every Muslim, a Muslim should be able to read the Qur'an properly and correctly. STATAQU is here to facilitate Moslems/Moslem women, especially Statistics UNJ students, to be able to improve their reading of the Qur'an in accordance with the correct tajweed rules. This activity is in the form of learning as well as practicing tahsin Al-Qur'an (improving the reading of the Al-Qur'an) delivered by the speaker through the video conference application for 3 - 4 meetings with different material at each meeting. The first STATAQU activity took place on June 12, 2022 with material on the introduction of tahsin and makhorijul letters in the Qur'an. Furthermore, the second STATAQU activity took place on June 26, 2022 with the title of knowing the nature of letters, the law of mim and nun sukun/tanwin, and the law of idgham. video conference sebanyak 3 – 4 kali pertemuan dengan materi yang berbeda pada setiap pertemuannya. Kegiatan STATAQU pertama berlangsung pada 12 Juni 2022 dengan materi pengenalan tahsin dan makhorijul huruf dalam Al-Qur’an. Selanjutnya, untuk kegiatan STATAQU kedua berlangsung pada 26 Juni 2022 dengan judul mengetahui sifat huruf, hukum mim serta nun sukun/tanwin, dan hukum idgham.

3. Student Interest and Talent Training (PMBM)

The Academic and Professional Department of the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNJ makes every effort to realize the goals of national education by creating a work program that targets UNJ Statistics students and also invited guests later, namely Student Talent Interest Training (PMBM). With the theme "Upgrade Your Skill to Survive in The 21st Centurythis activity is expected to be able to improve the abilities and skills of activity participants to be able to prepare for The 21st CenturyIn addition, this activity is also expected to help develop student potential such as scientific mindset, critical, creative, innovative, and productive thinking optimally. In the planning, this PMBM will be held five times. The first PMBM with the theme "Statistics Thesis Review" was held on June 20, 2022 and was attended by 62 participants and invited guests. For the next PMBM, it is planned to take place in the 1st and 2nd week of October and the 2nd and 3rd week of December.  

4. Level Up

Level Up is an internal event work agenda in the form of an activity that contains organizational Soft Skills training for members of the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNJ. These soft skills can be in the form of public speaking, giving opinion, English ability, time management, or other Soft Skills . In addition to improving the Soft Skills of members, this activity is also intended to make the internal relationship between members of the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNJ better and more compact. This agenda can be carried out online or offline. The first Level Up was held on July 1, 2022 online through the Zoom Meeting platform with the delivery of material on personal branding. personal branding.  

5. Statistics Association

Humans are social creatures or creatures that need each other and need to establish communication with other individuals. According to Iswanto, the spirit of this gathering is affection and connecting the ropes of brotherhood, so that if the brotherhood is cut off then with the gathering of a relationship will be connected again. In order to establish this relationship, the Public Relations Department of the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNJ intends to organize an activity for the scope of Statistics University of Jakarta, namely the Statistical Association (PASTA) 2022. In order for this activity to provide more benefits, a sharing session will be held from lecturers and alumni of Statistics UNJ regarding how the existence of statistics graduates. For this activity is also enlivened by the display of work offerings from UNJ Statistics students of each generation. With this activity, it is hoped that the relationship between students and lecturers of Statistics UNJ can be established and information related to the existence of statistics graduates in the industrial era 5.0 is conveyed. This activity was carried out on July 16, 2022 online via video conference and was attended by 75 UNJ Statistics students from batches 2017 - 2021.  

6. Smart Statistics (SMATIC) 3.0

SMART STATISTIC (SMATIC) 3.0 is one of the work programs of the Academic and Professional Department of the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Jakarta which is held annually. In 2022, it was the 3rd year that the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program UNJ held this agenda. This agenda is a national level competition in the field of statistics, namely infographic competitions and essay writing competitions that are open to active diploma or undergraduate students from all over Indonesia. This year's SMART STATISTIC agenda has the theme "Awaken student creativity towards Indonesia Emas 2045" and is carried out online. This agenda is carried out for 3 months of implementation, starting from June to August 2022. This agenda aims to provide space for students who want to express their creativity through infographic or essay works. SMATIC 2022 was attended by 69 teams from 31 institutions spread across 11 different provinces in Indonesia. Alhamdulillah, this SMATIC 3.0 activity ran smoothly until the end with participants that greatly increased compared to the previous year.  

7. National Statistics Olympic (OLIMSTAT) 2022 (OLIMSTAT) 2022

The National Statistics Olympiad is one of the work programs of the Academic and Professional Department of the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program, State University of Jakarta in the form of a competition in the form of giving questions or cases related to the field of statistics. The Statistics Olympic is attended by active diploma or undergraduate students from all over Indonesia. In 2022, because the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia has not completely ended, the National Statistics Olympic was held online with the theme "Statistics for Golden Indonesia 2045″. This agenda was carried out for 3 months of implementation, namely registration of participants in June 2022, competition implementation in July 2022, and final implementation as well as announcement of competition winners in August 2022. The Statistics Olympic was attended by 18 teams from 11 different institutions spread across 7 different provinces throughout Indonesia. This National Statistics Olympic activity went smoothly and had a positive impact and many benefits for all of us.  

8. Statistical Analysis Training (PESTA)

Data Analysis Training (PESTA) is a statistical data analysis training activity that aims to improve participants' ability to use data analysis applications to support academic and professional needs. In its implementation, this activity is open to active diploma or undergraduate students from all over Indonesia and the general public. This activity took place for 2 days, namely on August 27 and 28, 2022. This year, PESTA activities are again held online via video conference with the theme "Seek Deeper about Machine Learning Knowledges". From this theme, the material that will be presented is about machine learning knowledges. For the first day, material about the introduction of machine learning was presented first. Then, on the second day, data analysis was applied using one of the machine learning methods that had been presented on the previous day using the Python programming language in Google Colab. With the speaker at PESTA, Mr. Gery Alfa Dito S.Si., M.Si. After this activity, the speaker provided a analysis data challenge for all participants. The Challenge was given through the Kaggle platform to find out the participants' abilities after participating in this PESTA activity. PESTA activities on day-1 were attended by 112 participants and on day-2 were attended by 130 participants from all over Indonesia.  


Introduction to Campus Life for New Students of the Statistics Study Program or what is referred to as PKKMB Statistics Study Program is an event to welcome new students of the Statistics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Jakarta. PKKMB is an event to introduce various important things related to the Statistics Study Program to new students of the Statistics Study Program. In addition, with this PKKMB, we strive to direct new Statistics students to be able to instill the values of discipline, nationality, academic, moral, social, spiritual, and characteristics of statistics students by raising the theme STRATIFIEDStatisticians, Religious, Active, Creative, Professional, Innovative, Excellence, DisciplineNew Statistics students are trained to be active students in seeking information and contributing in organizing and socializing. In addition, PKKMB activities are a means to arouse the spirit of student creativity by giving several assignments that trigger the level of student creativity so that new students can be encouraged to come up with creative ideas and can prepare themselves to become Statistics students. PKKMB Statistics is carried out in 3 series, namely the first series, PKKMB Statistics debriefing held on August 18, 2022 online with material in it related to successful tips in learning and organizing and the introduction of Student Organization in Statistics. The second series, PKKMB Statistics day-1 was held on August 25, 2022 online with the material in it, namely related to the introduction of the Statistics study program. The third series, held on August 26, 2022 offline at the Hasyim Asjari Building, State University of Jakarta with the material presented, namely the introduction of an independent campus and SKPI.  

10. Share and Talk About Statistic (STOKASTIK)

New students are students who are still in the transition process from the pre-university level, so the knowledge of the study program taken at this time is still very minimal. Therefore, an activity or agenda is needed that is useful to increase knowledge about the current study program taken by new students. Based on this background, the Cadre Department of BEMP Statistics FMIPA UNJ held an activity to increase knowledge about the world of statistics to new students of the UNJ Statistics Study Program, in the form of a talk show, namely Share and Talk about Statistic (STOKASTIK). Share & Talk about Statistics (STOKASTIK) is a talk show activity given specifically to new students of the UNJ Statistics study program to introduce more deeply into the world of statistics. STOKASTIK was held on October 1, 2022 with the theme "Statistics for a better life". With the first speaker, UNJ Statistics lecturer, Mrs. Dania Siregar, S.Stat., M.Si., by presenting material related to the theme raised in this STOKASTIK and for the second speaker came from Statistics alumni, namely Fitriana Era Madana, S.Stat and Naufal Zhafran Albaqi S.Stat who shared experiences (sharing session) to new students related to UNJ Statistics. This activity was attended by UNJ Statistics lecturers and all new UNJ Statistics students.

11. Joint Study of Statistics (KABASTA)

Joint Study of Statistics (KABASTA) is one of the work programs of the Rohis Department of the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNJ. This study will be held online via video conference which has the aim of advancing, increasing knowledge, exploring Islamic teachings so that they can be practiced in the future, to maintain the ruhiyah of Moslems / Moslem women students of FMIPA UNJ, and to maintain the relationship between Moslems and moslem women students at FMIPA UNJ. This year's KABASTA was held on September 10, 2022 with the theme "Akidah and Akhlah : An Art in Principle". The speaker of KABASTA was Ust. Bagus Tito Wibisono. KABASTA this year was attended by 66 Muslim participants from FMIPA UNJ.

12. Design Training (PEDES)

Design Training (PEDES) is one of the work programs of the Public Relations Department of the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program, State University of Jakarta. The year 2022 is the 3rd year the Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program UNJ has organized this agenda. The PEDES 2022 agenda takes the theme "Exploring the Potential Skills of Logo Design in Society 5.0 Era". With this theme, it is expected to be able to recognize, hone, and explore further about this logo design. PEDES was held on November 26, 2022. Even though it was held online, it did not limit the enthusiasm of the PEDES 2022 participants in participating in all activities from start to finish. There were 340 registrants from various agencies and the general public.


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