1.Statistics Sharing

2.Statistics Tahsin Al-Qur'an (STATAQU)

3. Student Interest and Talent Training (PMBM)

4. Level Up

5. Statistics Association

6. Smart Statistics (SMATIC) 3.0

7. National Statistics Olympic (OLIMSTAT) 2022 (OLIMSTAT) 2022

8. Statistical Analysis Training (PESTA)

Introduction to Campus Life for New Students of the Statistics Study Program or what is referred to as PKKMB Statistics Study Program is an event to welcome new students of the Statistics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Jakarta. PKKMB is an event to introduce various important things related to the Statistics Study Program to new students of the Statistics Study Program. In addition, with this PKKMB, we strive to direct new Statistics students to be able to instill the values of discipline, nationality, academic, moral, social, spiritual, and characteristics of statistics students by raising the theme STRATIFIEDStatisticians, Religious, Active, Creative, Professional, Innovative, Excellence, DisciplineNew Statistics students are trained to be active students in seeking information and contributing in organizing and socializing. In addition, PKKMB activities are a means to arouse the spirit of student creativity by giving several assignments that trigger the level of student creativity so that new students can be encouraged to come up with creative ideas and can prepare themselves to become Statistics students. PKKMB Statistics is carried out in 3 series, namely the first series, PKKMB Statistics debriefing held on August 18, 2022 online with material in it related to successful tips in learning and organizing and the introduction of Student Organization in Statistics. The second series, PKKMB Statistics day-1 was held on August 25, 2022 online with the material in it, namely related to the introduction of the Statistics study program. The third series, held on August 26, 2022 offline at the Hasyim Asjari Building, State University of Jakarta with the material presented, namely the introduction of an independent campus and SKPI.
10. Share and Talk About Statistic (STOKASTIK)