No. Title Produced/Published on Year of Publication
1. Generalized Linear Mixed Models by Penalized Lasso in Modelling The Scores of Indonesian Students Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021
2. Modeling of West Java Inflation With Spatial Durbin Model (SDM) Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021
3.  Journal of Physics: Conference Series Journal of Statistics and Its Applications (JSA) 2021
4. HKI: Community Service Training Questionnaire during the Pandemic Certificate from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights 2021
5.  Book: Statistics in Education and Sport Radja Grafindo 2020
6.  HKI: Jakarta State University Scholarship Information System Certificate from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights 2020
7. HKI: Application Usage Manual (User Manual) Information System Certificate Complementary Certificate (SKPI) Certificate from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights 2020
8. HKI: Manual Book of Tracer Study Information Systems, Jakarta State University Certificate from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights 2020
9. Modelling of the number of malarias suffers in Indonesia using Bayesian generalized linear models Journal of Physics: Conference Series, AASEC 2019
10.  Variable selection methods applied to the mathematics scores of Indonesian students based on convex penalized likelihood Journal of Physics: Conference Series AASEC 2019
No. Title Produced/Published on Year of Publication
11. Classification of diabetes events using discriminant analysis Journal of Physics: Conference Series AASEC 2019
12. Analysis of the causes of unemployment in DKI Jakarta using panel data regression Empowering Science and Mathematics for Global Competitivesenss 2019
13. Book: How to Quickly Learn Experimental Design with SPSS UNJ 2018
14. HKI: How to Quickly Learn Experimental Design with SPSS Certificate from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights 2018
15.  Development of a Multinomial Logistic Regression Model for Political Classification in General Elections Journal of Statistics and Its Applications (JSA) 2018
16. Bivariate Gamma Distribution Analysis Journal of Statistics and Its Applications (JSA) 2018
17. Application of Multiple Imputation with Predictive Mean Matching (PMM) Method for Estimating Missing Data in Linear Regression Models Journal of Statistics and Its Applications (JSA) 2018
18.  Survival Analysis with Regression Method on Logistically Distributed Censored Data JMT: Journal of Mathematics and Applied 2018
19. Classification of Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Binary Logistic Regression Approach and Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Method JMT: Journal of Mathematics and Applied 2018
20. Classification of Breast Cancer Diagnosis with Binary Logistic Regression Approach and Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Method JMT: Journal of Mathematics and Applied 2018
No. Title Produced/Published on Year of Publication
21. HKI: Statistical Model for Classification of Types of Crime Certificate from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights 2017
22.  Development of a Multinomial Regression Model for Crime Classification of Prisoners in Jakarta KNPM UHAMKA 2017
23. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) Analysis on Toddler Pneumonia Cases in West Java Province Journal of Statistics and Its Applications Volume 1 Number 1 of 2017 2017
24. Process of Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity with the Alleged Variance of Indonesian Inflation Journal of Statistics and Its Applications Volume 1 Number 1 of 2017 2017
25. Introduction to Linear Models Textbooks 2017
26.  Book: Statistical Model of Classification of Types of Crime UNJ 2017
27. Development of a Dummy Regression Model (Study of Shirts: Academic Achievement of Jakarta State University Students) Proceedings of the V Mathematics National Seminar FMIPA UNJ, November 2016 2016
28. Elementary Linear Algebra Textbooks 2015