Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program UNJ (BEMP) is a student organization engaged in the executive field. Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program was established in 2018, the result of the split of the Mathematics Cluster Student Executive Board (BEMR). The secretariat location of BEMP Statistics is in KH. Hasyim Asy'arie Building, 3rd floor. The supervisor of Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program is Mrs. Dra. Widyanti Rahayu, M.Si.


The realization of a professional, innovative, outstanding, and active Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program UNJ in a unified whole based on faith and piety for excellent UNJ Statistics.


  1. Forming and maintaining the values of divinity, kinship, and harmony within the internal scope of Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program UNJ and the entire academic community of Statistics UNJ;
  2. Developing an attitude of enthusiasm for achievement in the academic and non-academic fields in supporting the realization of UNJ Statistics towards superior accreditation;
  3. Making the UNJ Statistics BEMP work program a useful activity that can develop the talents, creativity, and potential of UNJ Statistics Study Program students;
  4. Strengthen and improve the communicative and interactive environment of Statistics UNJ in acting as a forum for student aspirations and maximizing the 3P advocacy function (Complaints, services, and defense);
  5. Maintain and improve relationships with bureaucrats and expand relationships to build productive and innovative cooperation.


Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program UNJ 2022/2023 carries the Lentera Cakrawala Cabinet and the symbol of Student Executive Board of the Statistics Study Program consists of various parts which have the following meanings:

Work Program Objectives

The targets of student activities of BEMP Statistics UNJ are:

  1. All UNJ Statistics Students and throughout Indonesia;
  2. UNJ Statistics bureaucrats;
  3. General public