Humas UNJ, Jakarta-like year -The previous year, which started in 2015, Jakarta State University (UNJ) again held awards to UNJ students and lecturers through a series of UNJ Award activities. The 2022 UNJ Award carries the theme “Adaptive and Achievement for Reputable UNJ in Asia“.
The event which was held on Thursday, 21 April 2022, which also coincided with Kartini Day, implemented strict health protocols. The activity was carried out at the UNJ Campus B Tennis Court. This event is also broadcast online via the YouTube channel “UNJ Student Affairs Channel“.
The UNJ Award 2022 event was attended by the Chancellor of UNJ, the Chairperson UNJ Senate, Vice Chancellors, Heads of Institutions, Deans, Postgraduate Director, Heads of Bureaus, Deputy Deans III within UNJ, Student Service Coordinators and Sub Coordinators, Advisory Lecturers, and Chair of the G Building Forum.
Meanwhile also inviting UNJ partners , including the Dean of the Academy of Business, Risk & BNI Corporate University Partnership, Knowledge Management & Learning Infrastructure Pertamina, Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulo Gadung (JIEP), Branch Manager of Bank BNI UNJ, Branch Manager of Bank BTN UNJ, and Head of Bank Mandiri UNJ branch.
On the occasion of this activity, Shandy Aditya, BIB., MPBS as the Development Staff The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni who is also the UNJ Award 2022 committee, said that the 2022 UNJ Award really involved all active students and alumni. With the one student one vote system. More than 15,000 votes participated in determining their favorites for 7 categories. Hopefully this can be used as a benchmark for lecturers and students to be more enthusiastic about participating in the competition next year, said Shandy Aditya, BIB, MPBS.
Meanwhile, in his speech and activity report, Dr. Abdul Sukur, M.Si as the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, said that the purpose and objective of this UNJ Award is to give appreciation to students who have achieved achievements in their interests, talents, and reasoning abilities in certain fields that add scientific insight and provide motivation to outstanding students in order to continue to improve their achievements both at the national and international levels, which of course can make UNJ’s alma mater proud, said Dr. Abdul Sukur.
Furthermore, the 2022 UNJ Award is the 7th, and there are 7 categories of nominations including:
- Field of Technology and Reasoning
- Entrepreneurial
- Art
- Sports
- Special Interests
- Orga Favorite nization
- Favourite Faculty of Student Affairs and Alumni.
“Where previously, the nominees were based on filling out the 2021 achievement data at Simpresmawa and by collecting votes from each category. There were 15,014 votes or voters from the elements of students and lecturers. Furthermore, through a good opportunity, UNJ also gave to give appreciation for the dedication and contribution in providing the best for UNJ, especially in the development of the student sector and in encouraging the implementation of MBKM. The awards were given to UNJ partners, students in the field of community service and the third to inspiring mentors,” Closed Dr. Abdul Sukur.

Meanwhile Prof. Komarudin as the Chancellor of UNJ in his speech said that we as leaders certainly really appreciate the achievements that have been made by all UNJ students, including institutions that accommodate students, including faculties that foster students. That’s why every year an award is given.
“Congratulations to the winners, hopefully this Award can add motivation to continue to excel in making UNJ’s name, to those who have not been selected to stay motivated because actually success is still waiting for sincere efforts and efforts for people who are diligent and eager to achieve it,” said Prof. Komarudin.
Here are some of the winners of the 2022 UNJ Award nominations :
- Technology and Reasoning Nomination Winner: Batavia Team; li>
- Entrepreneurial Nomination Winner:;
- Art Award Winner: Talitha Yasmin;
- Sports Nomination Winner: Farah Amalia Salsabila Putri;
- Special Interest Nomination Winner: Nida Karima Salsabila;
- Winner of the Favorite Faculty Nomination for Student Affairs and Alumni: Faculty of Engineering;
- Favourite Organization Nomination Winner: KPM.
Award for Supervisor :
- Aam Amaningsih Jumhur., Ph.D
- Ns, Sri Rahayu, M.Biomed.
- Dra. Nursilah, M.Si.
- Shandy Aditya, BIB., MPBS.
- Vania Zulfa, S.Pd., M.Pd.
- Dr. Diana Vivanti Sigit, M.Si.
- Dr. R. A. Murti Kusuma W, S.IP., M.Si.
- Dr. Aip Badrujaman, M.Pd
- Dr. Widya Parimita, SE., M.PA
- Dr. Fahmy Fachrezzy, M.Pd
- Mastri Juniarto, M.Pd
- Hendro Wardoyo, M.Pd
Community Service Award :
- Community Development UNJ
- Civilization City FIP
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- House of Learning Cheerful PGSD
- Community Development FE
- Community Development Rumah Cahaya FBS
- Community Development FT
- Child Lovers Social Group
- FIK Sports Driver
- LLMP Community Education
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