Jakarta-located in the rectorate lobby, Jakarta State University (UNJ) Campus A Rectorate Building, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and UNJ. The event which took place on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, implemented strict health protocols.
This event was attended by the Chancellor and Vice Chancellors of UNJ, Heads of Institutions, Deans and Deputy Deans within UNJ. Meanwhile from BRIN was attended by Dr. Mego Pinandito as Plt. Deputy for Research and Innovation Utilization, Dwie Irmawatu Gultom, Ph.D. as Plt. Director for Utilization of Research and Innovation in Industry, Tekad Iman as Coordinator for Utilization of Research and Innovation in Industry in the Field of Digital, Information and Communication Technology, Syarif Budiman as Implementing PRI for Digital, Information and Communication Technology, Vetty as BHKS for Domestic Cooperation, Andri Sulistyawan as Domestic Cooperation Team, Legal and Cooperation Bureau, and Andriani as Public, General and Secretarial Communication Bureau.
On the occasion of this event, Dr. Mego Pinandito as Plt. The Deputy for Research and Innovation Utilization in his speech said that his party hopes that today’s collaboration between BRIN and UNJ is expected to be able to build a very specific research collaboration center in certain fields that does not exist in other universities, as well as to produce concrete outputs to solve various problems. nation’s problem.
We hope and believe that UNJ has a center for intellectual property management and research, so together we have many patents that are worth selling. It is hoped that our talks and meetings this time will result in various complete cooperation agreements between all faculties, institutions and other units at UNJ and BRIN.
In line with that, Prof. Komarudin as the Chancellor of UNJ said that the field of study at UNJ is education because we are from IKIP. Research on education is our priority, but non-educational research is even more advanced.
In the field of research, we produce a lot, both in the field of innovation and prototypes, among us a research group has been formed. By collaborating with BRIN, we can encourage the quality of our research with the infrastructure provided by BRIN.
In the future, our research track record to achieve excellence must be clear, no longer like the past, research is only to fulfill promotions and positions. Hopefully not now, because the benefits should be felt for most people.

“With the MoU and the cooperation that we have carried out, it is hoped that the benefits and existence of UNJ for the nation and state can be felt. Let’s take advantage of the various facilities that have been offered by BRIN. We also ask for guidance for downstreaming, because findings and innovations in the business incubator at UNJ must continue to be developed. Hopefully, the collaboration with BRIN, innovation and research by UNJ academics can connect to the industrial world and achieve UNJ’s vision and mission to become a campus with an Asian reputation through excellence in the field of research,” concluded Prof. Komarudin.
Artikel ini telah tayang di https://www.unj.ac.id/en/unj-jalin-kerja-sama-dengan-brin-dalam-bidang-riset/