Inauguration of the Head of Student Organization of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University 2022

Inauguration of Head of Student Organization Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University Jakarta

In connection with the end of the student organization management period in 2021 in accordance with the Rector’s decision Number: 101/UN39/KM.04.01/2021< /b> regarding the Dismissal and Appointment of the Chairperson of Student Organizations at the Jakarta State University in 2021, the period for the management of Student Organizations within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences will also end in 2021. Thus, the Student Affairs and Alumni Division of the State University of Jakarta has held the Inauguration of the Chair Jakarta State University Student Organization which on the agenda includes the dismissal of the Chair of the FMIPA Student Organization in 2021 and the appointment of the Chair of the FMIPA Student Organization in 2022. Inauguration of the Chair of the Jakarta State University Student Organization a was executed on:

           Day              : Tuesday, February 8, 2022

           Time           : 09.00 WIB to Finish

           Place           : Zoom Cloud Meetings

The inauguration of the Head of Student Organization in 2022 was attended by the Chancellor of the State University of Jakarta, Student Affairs, Alumni and Cooperation of the State University of Jakarta, as well as the entire Chair of the Student Organization of the State University of Jakarta in 2021 and 2022 The online inauguration begins with registration, inauguration rehearsal, opening by the MC, and continued by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya and UNJ Mars. After the opening, move on to the main agenda, namely the reading of the Chancellor’s Letter on the Appointment of the Chair of Student Organizations, followed by the official inauguration by Chancellor, and Student Pledge Readings. In closing, there are directions from the Chancellor of UNJ to the new Head of Student Organizations as well as prayer readings and joint documentation.

The following are the names of FMIPA students who were inaugurated in the Inauguration of the Head of the UNJ Student Organization in 2022:

  1. < span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 150%; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;">Mohammad Rizky Putra – Chairman of the UNJ Student Council
  2. Ahmad Syauqy Baihaqy – Chairman of the UNJ Student Executive Board
  3. Muhammad Rizky Wafyan – Head of UNJ Young Research Group
  4. Alyssa Maharani – Chairperson of the UNJ FMIPA Student Representative Body
  5. Ardi Kumara – Chair of the UNJ FMIPA Student Executive Board
  6. Muhammad Raihan Maulidan – Chairman of the Student Executive Board of Biology Study Program
  7. Yogi Febrian – Chairman of the Student Executive Board of Chemistry Study Program
  8. Khalisdia Falah Baldimaron – Chair of the Student Executive Board of Biology Education Study Program
  9. Arif Muzakki – Chairman of the Student Executive Board of Physics Education Study Program
  10. Lauzer Zeral – Chairman of the Student Executive Board of Chemistry Education Study Program
  11. Fachrizal Nurrachman – Chairman of the Ex-Board Executive Student of Mathematics Education Study Program
  12. Muhammad Raihan – Chairman of the Student Executive Board of Mathematics Study Program
  13. Saddam Aryo Cahotomo – Chairman of the Student Executive Board of Computer Science Study Program
  14. Catur Anthony Hermanta – Chair of the Student Executive Board of Physics Study Program
  15. < span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 150%; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;">Muhammad Rafli – Chairman of the Student Executive Board of Statistics Study Program
  16. Tri Budy Lestari – Head of the Student Legislative Body for Physics Education Study Program
  17. Salma Nur Rabbani – Chair of the Biology Student Legislative Institute
  18. Lutfi Permana – Chair of the Biology Education Student Legislative Institute
  19. Aditya Shiva Al Hakim – Chair of the Computer Science Student Legislative Institute
  20. Dadan Rama Aditia – Chair of the Student Legislative Body for Mathematics Studies
  21. Raditya Wisnu Pradito – Chair of the Student Legislative Body for Mathematics Education Study Program
  22. Andhika Christian – Head of the Student Legislative Body for Statistics Study Program
  23. Aini Nurrohmah Husnah – Chair of the Student Legislative Body for Chemistry Education Study Program
  24. Nisrina Fitri Nur Syamsi – Chair of the Legislative Body for Chemistry Study Program Students

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