Activities of Community Service for the Master of Mathematics Education Study Program with MGMP Mathematics MA DKI Jakarta
The Master of Mathematics Education Study Program held community service activities on Wednesday 5 and Wednesday 12 October 2022. The opening of the activity took place on 5 October 2022. At this event, speeches were delivered by the Coordinator of the Master of Mathematics Education Study Programme (Dr. Makmuri, M.Si.) and the Head of Madrasah Education / Head of Teachers and Education Personnel Section. The last speech was given by Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, M.Si. as the Dean of FMIPA, State University of Jakarta, and at the same time the service activity was officially opened.
This service activity is a routine activity organised by the Master of Mathematics Education programme FMIPA UNJ, and for 2022 is the second year of collaboration with MGMP Mathematics MA DKI Jakarta. In 2022, there were about 50 MA Mathematics teachers in DKI Jakarta who participated in this activity. In addition, this year, the Master of Mathematics Education programme also provides seven materials that are given to the participants. All materials provided aim to develop the professional skills of mathematics teachers so that a quality mathematics learning process is achieved. The seven materials are divided into two days, where each day there are two parallel classes. Therefore, each participant will receive a maximum of four materials.
On October 5th 2022, there were four materials presented, as follows
1. Implementation of Learning with Constructivism Strategy in Trigonometry Subject by Makmuri, M.Si. and team.

2. The training by Pinta Deniyanti Sampoerno, M.Si. and team on improving teachers' ability to conduct effective distance learning evaluation.

3. Application of FX Draw Software in Maths Learning by Tian Abdul Aziz, Ph.D. and team.

4. Improving the Quality of Mathematics Teachers through Training on the Implementation of Case-Based Learning (CBL) in Learning by Lukman El Hakim, M.Pd. and team.

Meanwhile, on October 12th 2022, there were three materials doaslot presented, as follows:
1. Creating Geogebra-based Learning Media on Third Dimension Material by Leny Dhianti Haeruman, S.Pd, M.Pd and team.

2. Implementing Statistical Analysis in Teaching Action Research by Qorry Meidianingsih, S.Si., M.Si. and Team.

3. Developing Creative E-books to Improve Students' Self-regulation by Flavia Aurelia Hidajat, M.Pd. and team.

This activity received a positive response from the participants. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of the participants who participated in the activity. They conveyed that this activity should be carried out periodically and for a longer time. Hopefully the activities organised are useful and can continue in the following years.