Master of Mathematics Education

Studium Generale of Mathematics Education Study Programme FMIPA UNJ

Studium Generale of Mathematics Education Study Programme FMIPA UNJ

On Tuesday, 22nd November, the S1 and S2 Mathematics Education Study Programme held a Studium Generale with the topic Qualitative Research on Ethno-Realistic Mathematics Education with speakers Prof. Dr. Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, S.Si., M.Pd from Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta. The event was opened by Dr Esmar Budi, S.Si., M.T as Vice Dean I of FMIPA UNJ, representing the Dean of FMIPA UNJ. In addition, the coordinator of the Master of Mathematics Education programme of FMIPA UNJ gave a speech.

The moderator of this event was a lecturer of Master of Mathematics Education of FMIPA UNJ, Tian Abdul Aziz, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, S.Si., M.Pd. who became the resource person of this event gave enlightenment about the link between culture and mathematics and how qualitative research was implemented to explore the link through the idea of Ethno-Realistic Mathematics Education. There are three important aspects suggested by the resource person in implementing the idea of Ethno-Realistic Mathematics Education, namely (1) exploration of cultural artefacts and maintefacts to be used as starting points in the learning process, (2) learning design based on the results of the exploration, and (3) implementation of the designed learning design. Some important things that can be used as learning materials are making culture a starting point in the learning process and integrating cultural values.

This event, which was held online via Zoom Meeting and started at 13.00 and ended at 15.00 WIB, was attended by around 260 participants, made up of lecturers from the Mathematics family at FMIPA UNJ, undergraduate and postgraduate students from the Mathematics Education department at FMIPA UNJ, and some general participants. The participants followed the event with enthusiasm. This was shown by the presence of 3 terms in the question and answer session, where each term had three questions.

It is hoped that this activity will inspire teachers and students of the Mathematics Education programme at FMIPA UNJ to carry out research as part of the Tridarma of higher education, which can contribute to the development of globally competitive and cultured human resources.

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