Master of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNJ Hosting the Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Association of Master of Mathematics Education (PPPMI) in 2022
On 13th to 15th May 2022, the Indonesian Association of Master of Mathematics Education held its Annual Meeting of Members. This year, the Master of Mathematics Education Study Programme FMIPA State University of Jakarta was appointed as the host of the meeting. As the host, Dr. Makmuri, M.Si as the Coordinator of the Master of Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNJ and also a member of PPPMI prepared the activities to run successfully and efficiently.
The activity was attended by 27 people (Heads/Coordinators of Masters/Doctoral Programmes in Mathematics Education) from 24 state universities in Indonesia. The event was attended by UNJ Vice Rector I (Prof. Dr. Suyono, M.Si), Dean of FMIPA UNJ (Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, M.Si), and Chairman of PPPMI (Prof. Y. L. Sukestiyarno, M.S., Ph.D). This activity was held at Hasjim Asjarie Building, FMIPA UNJ.
The annual meeting aims to strengthen the management of study programmes by discussing 2 (two) main things, such as: (1) Formulation of PPPMI Recommendations on Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) for Master and Doctoral Study Programmes in Mathematics Education; (2) Workshop on LAMDIK Accreditation Forms for Master and Doctoral Study Programmes in Mathematics Education. Also, it was discussed about increasing cooperation in education, research, service, and institutional fields between study programmes.
The event held over two days was successful and running efficiently. Perhaps this activity can make a positive contribution to the development of mathematics education in Indonesia.