Master of Mathematics Education

Community Service for Bachelor and Master of Mathematics Education Study Programmes FMIPA UNJ in 2021: Skilled Teachers and Quality Learning

Community Service for Bachelor and Master of Mathematics Education Study Programmes FMIPA UNJ in 2021: Skilled Teachers and Quality Learning

Theme: Improving the Skills of Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Bogor Regency, West Java Province to Increase the Quality of Mathematics Learning.

In 2021, the Bachelor and Master of Mathematics Education Study Programmes at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta (FMIPA UNJ) has established communication with the Bogor Regency Junior High School Mathematics Teacher Consultative Meeting (MGMP) to plan Community Service activities as one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. Based on the communication and coordination that has been done, the MGMP proposed activities that are the needs of junior high school mathematics teachers in Bogor Regency. These activities include making and discussing Minimum Competency Assessment questions, making learning media, and implementing learning evaluations.

Based on the needs submitted by the MGMP, we, the Mathematics Education Study Programme FMIPA UNJ, plan to organise community service activities by holding parallel and online activities through zoom meetings. There are five activities that have been prepared by the study program lecturer team and will be planned to be held on Wednesday, September 15th and 29th, 2021. Each activity will be equivalent to 32 hours of training so that each participant, in addition to gaining knowledge and skills from the training for free, will also get a training certificate.

On Wednesday, September 15th, 2021 the community service activity was attended by representatives from the Bogor Regency Education Office and also the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNJ. On that day, two parallel activities were held through zoom meetings, such as: (1) Improving the Quality of Junior High School Mathematics Teachers through Training on Learning Management System (LMS) Development in Distance Learning in Bogor Regency, West Java with resource persons Drs. Tri Murdiyanto, M.Si., Dr. Makmuri, M.S.and : Improving the Quality of Junior High School Mathematics Teachers through Learning Management System (LMS) Development Training in Distance Learning in Bogor Regency, West Java with speakers Drs. Tri Murdiyanto, M.Si., Dr. Makmuri, M.S., and Drs. Mulyono, M.Kom.; and Learning Media Training for Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Bogor Regency, West Java Province with speakers Tian Abdul Aziz, S.Pd., Ph.D., Dwi Antari Wijayanti, M.Pd., and Dr. Yudi Mahatma, M.Si.

In the next two weeks, on September 29th, 2021, three activities were held in parallel through zoom meetings, such as: (1) Training to Improve the Competence of Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Bogor Regency, West Java in Conducting Effective Learning Evaluation in the PJJ Period with speakers Dr. Ellis Salsabila, M.Si., and Dr. Pinta Deniyanti Sampoerno, M.Si.; (2) Numeracy Assessment Training for Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Bogor Regency, West Java with speakers Dr. Meiliasari, S.Pd., M.Sc., Dania Siregar S.Stat., M.Si., and Dr. Wardani Rahayu, M.Si.; and (3) Training on Making Learning Media Assisted by Geogebra Software on Transformation Material with resource person Dwi Antari Wijayanti, M.Pd. and Leny Dhianti Haeruman, S.Pd., M.Pd.

More than 100 teachers from Bogor Regency have registered in doaslot and participated in this training. With this activity, it is hoped that teachers can gain insight and practice the skills needed to improve the quality of mathematics learning which in turn can help students develop the abilities needed in the current and future global competition.

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