Master of Mathematics Education

Gathering of Alumni

Gathering of Alumni

The Master of Mathematics Education Study Programme held an Alumni Gathering for the Master of Mathematics Education Study Programme on Saturday June 12th 2021, at 13.00-15.00 WIB through a zoom meeting. The purpose of this activity is the development and accreditation of the programme and the formation of an alumni organisation doaslot. The event was attended by the lecturers of the Master of Mathematics Education of FMIPA UNJ and 61 alumni. The alumni who attended were from each generation, from the first generation (2012) to the generation (2018). The event discussed strategies to improve and develop the programme, focusing on three parts. The first discussion, which was about the curriculum aspect, was led by Dr. Makmuri, M.Si. as the coordinator of the Master of Mathematics Education study programme. He conveyed that there are four contents in the development of the Master of Mathematics Education curriculum, which are mathematical science, educational theory, research and edupreneur (media and ICT packaged in edupreneur). The second discussion related to the acceleration of the study period and was led by Dr. Joko Soebagyo, M.Pd. as the first generation alumni. He said that accelerating the study period is very relative because it requires strong motivation and intention from yourself to complete the study. He also shared some strategies for accelerating the study period, such as regular mentoring and time management. The third discussion related to the accreditation of the programme was led by one of the lecturers, Tian Abdul Aziz, Ph.D. He conveyed that the role of alumni is very necessary in the preparation of accreditation forms, such as cooperation in the tridarma of higher education between alumni and lecturers, tracer studies (in job search less or more than 6 months, information on alumni who are entrepreneurs locally, internationally, alumni success in the workplace also affects the progress of the study programme). On this occasion, alumni were also asked to complete a questionnaire for alumni of the Master of Mathematics Education and a user satisfaction questionnaire for alumni of the Master of Mathematics Education UNJ. Some alumni (2015-Iman Santoso; 2015-Rizal Kamsurya; 2016-Radiusman; 2018-Ratna Maryam-Student; 2015-Nur Asmariani) also had the opportunity to share their experiences and suggestions for the future of the programme. Some of these suggestions include: (1) holding scheduled consultations to accelerate dissertation preparation and receive solutions, (2) creating a standard Sinta for journal review requirements, and (3) holding special programmes or webinars on research preparation for students writing a thesis. In addition, Valeria Yekti Kwasaning and Nira Nawastiti (2015) also shared their experiences as edupreneurs as content creators on YouTube. The event was ended with the election of the Alumni Leaders. Based on the discussion between the representatives of each generation, Dr. Joko Soebagyo, M.Pd. was elected as the Alumni Leader of the Master of Mathematics Education programme of FMIPA UNJ for the period 2021-2025. Congratulations to Mr. Joko.

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