Around the middle of November 2017, precisely on the 10th to 12th of Statistics students participated in the Clump Student Leadership Training (PKMR). This activity is a routine annual activity attended by students from the mathematics clump, which consists of Mathematics study programs; Mathematics Education; Statistics; and Computer Science.

Peserta PKMR berkumpul menghadiri siding pembukaan kegiatan PKMR di Villa Aryanti, Cisarua, Bogor

The PKMR activity which was held for two days, three nights was the culminating activity after following a series of briefing and pre-PKMR activities. This activity was held at Villa Aryanti, Cisarua, Bogor, West Java. During the activity participants were given material about: Leadership, Public Speakingand Student Movement. In addition, participants were also Soft Skills taught various other soft skills which were simulated by creating a work program that involved residents around the villa as participants of the work program. Residents who become participants consist of all ages, so it is very helpful for participants in making activities later.

Pembawaan materi tentang “Leadership” oleh Ketua BEM FMIPA 2017 – 2018 M. Yan Handoko

The last day before the closing of the activity, participants carried out outbound activities which aimed to train cohesiveness and cooperation between fellow students. The closing agenda of PKMR is social service activities. The social service activities were successfully carried out at the Nurul Jannah Orphanage. The activity aims to provide explanations to children about the importance of education and provide motivation regarding their goals.

PKMR participants conduct group discussion


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