Socialization of Employee Performance Targets for Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Lecturers and Education Personnel in 2021

Socialization of Employee Performance Goals for Lecturers and Staff Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education Year 2021

By Rules Government number 30 of 2019 concerning PNS Performance Assessment and Permenpanrb number 8 of 2021 concerning the PNS Performance System and Circular of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform regarding the preparation of Employee Performance Targets and Performance Assessment of Civil Servants in 2021, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences held a Socialization of Employee Performance Targets for education staff on January 26, 2022 offline and following the health protocol with a total of 28 participants. Meanwhile, for lecturers on January 27, 2022, 82 participants attended online. The resource persons for this activity are Mr. Henry Fahjuni, S. Pd (Sub. Koorla. Educator) and Mr. Ujang Supriatna, S. Sos (Sub. Koorla. Educational staff).

The activity was opened by the Dean of FMIPA UNJ, Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih N, M.Si, started with the presentation of the SKP material and continued with questions and answers from lecturers and education staff. Through this socialization activity, lecturers and staff are required to prepare SKP for the period July-December 2021 .

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