The Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, entered into a collaboration with the Mathematics and Science Education Department of Universitas Tadulako in the field of Education and Research. On April 15, 2023, Tadulako University visited UNJ’s Biology Education for a general lecture titled “Getting to Know Schistosomiasis”. Schistosomiasis is an endemic worm in the Palu area, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The case of this worm infection is quite a concern in the area, so many studies have been carried out in the study of biology and health against Schistosomiasis worm infections. Lecturers in Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education from Tadulako University gave general lectures on Schistosomiasis material to disseminate information and knowledge regarding the latest research that has been carried out to share knowledge with students in the Biology Education study program of UNJ.
The enthusiasm of the students and teaching staff was significant for implementing general lectures. The general lecture was delivered by Dr Hj, Sutrisnawati, M.Kes from Universitas Tadulako and attended by the Coordinator of the Biology Education Study Program (S1) (Dr Rusdi, M, Biomed), Coordinator of the Biology Education Masters Study Program (Dr Supriyatin, M.Si) and students and teaching staff from the Biology study program, UNJ.