To strengthen friendship and cooperation in the academic and non-academic fields. The Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, collaborated with The Mathematic and Science Education Department of Universitas Tadulako, especially in higher education “Tridharma”. The Cooperation agreement was signed on March 14, 2023, at the Hasyim Asjarie Building, Universitas Jakarta. The signing activity was attended by Dr Hj, Sutrisnawati, M.Kes as Coordinator of the Tadulako University MIPA Education Department, Coordinator of the Biology Education Study Program (S1) (Dr Rusdi, M, Biomed), and Coordinator of the Master’s Program of Biology Education (Dr Supriyatin, M.Si). The cooperation that has been agreed upon covers the fields of education, teaching and community service. One of the components in education that will be collaborated on is the implementation of student exchange programs through the MBKM program, research collaborations, giving guest lectures, and other activities that will be discussed later. A general lecturer by Dr Hj followed this activity attended by students and teaching staff from the biology education study program at the Jakarta State University and several representatives of conducting staff from Tadulako University, Sulawesi.