Alumni Gathering and Tracer Study 2024

September 2024 | The much-awaited Alumni Gathering has returned in 2024 with even more excitement! This year, the event was hosted in collaboration with the Biology Study Program, FMIPA, UNJ, at the innovative Edutechno Park in Duren Sawit—a cutting-edge learning hub and field laboratory for Universitas Negeri Jakarta. This incredible space was made possible thanks to the PKKM 2021 grant fromRead More…

Community Service Activities in Collaborate with SIRH School, Johor Bahru and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)

The Biology Education Program at FMIPA UNJ is on a mission to make a real difference in the community! Every year, we proudly carry out community service activities that create lasting impacts—and 2024 was no exception. This year’s Community Service Program (P2M) was truly special, as we partnered with Sekolah Rendah dan Menengah Hidayah (SRIH) in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, and the Universiti TeknRead More…

Welcome to the New Students of the Biology Cluster, Class of 2024!

August 2024 | The highly anticipated Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) has officially wrapped up in an exciting and successful week! This unforgettable event began an incredible journey for our new students, providing them the perfect opportunity to connect, interact, and shine throughout their academic adventure at the Biology Education Study Program, FMIPA, UNJ. This yeaRead More…

Development of Modern Biology Learning Media Through Podcast Training

Podcasts are a digital media that have recently become popular in education. Podcast media is a type of digital audio media. Learning media using audio is a simple medium that only uses hearing, but this media is considered capable of helping students think well, improve memory, and sharpen their hearing. Podcast itself is a digital audio medium that has been widely used, especially in the entertaRead More…


STEAM adalah sebuah pendekatan pembelajaran yang memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk memperluas pengetahuan dalam sains dan humaniora dan pada saat yang sama mengembangkan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk berkembang di abad ke-21 ini – seperti keterampilan komunikasi, kemampuan berpikir kritis, kepemimpinan, kerja tim, kreativitas, ketangguhan, dan keterampilan lainnya. STEAM diinisiasi oleh RRead More…

Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB) 2023

Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB) atau yang biasa dikenal dengan PKKMB adalah suatu kegiatan yang dibuat oleh Organisasi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi (BEMP Pendidikan Biologi). Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengenalkan perguruan tinggi serta lingkungan kampus untuk mahasiswa baru. Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi memfasilitasi mahasiswa barRead More…

Seminar Nasional BIOLEAF (Biology Learning Festival) 2023

Seminar Nasional merupakan puncak rangkaian acara Biology Learning Festival (BIOLEAF) 2023 yang berupa seminar dengan skala nasional yang berfokus meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai isu yang sedang tren. Berbeda dengan tahun sebelumnya yang diadakan secara daring, tahun ini Seminar Nasional BIOLEAF 2023 diadakan secara luring. Seminar Nasional BIOLEAF 2023 ini mengangkat tema “BiodiversRead More…

The signing of the Collaboration between the Biology Education Study Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta and The Mathematic and Science Education Department of Universitas Tadulako

To strengthen friendship and cooperation in the academic and non-academic fields. The Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, collaborated with The Mathematic and Science Education Department of Universitas Tadulako, especially in higher education “Tridharma”. The Cooperation agreement was signed on March 14, 2023, at the Hasyim AsjRead More…

Biology Education Study Program of Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) Collaborate in Education and Research with Mathematic and Science Education Department of Universitas Tadulako: General Lecture “Knowing Schistosomiasis”

The Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, entered into a collaboration with the Mathematics and Science Education Department of Universitas Tadulako in the field of Education and Research. On April 15, 2023, Tadulako University visited UNJ’s Biology Education for a general lecture titled “Getting to Know Schistosomiasis”. SchistosRead More…

Short Term Planning Discussion with Students

The semester 118 lecture period of 2023 has ended. Students have completed all exams, and all teaching staff has completed the assessment process. This 2023 academic year, Jakarta State University will implement short semesters for 2-3 months (July – August 2023). The short semester is intended for students who want to accelerate by taking credits for new courses in the coming semester or improvinRead More…