Physics Education Laboratory Holds Training on Quantities, Units and Measuring Instruments for Middle School Students in Jakarta

In an effort to increase understanding of basic physics concepts among students, the Physics Education Laboratory held special training with the theme “Quantity, Units and Use of Measuring Instruments” for junior high school (SMP) students in Jakarta on December 13 2023. This activity is expected to build a foundation strong for students in understanding physics and its use in everyday life.

The training opened with a presentation session on quantities and units by Ely Rismawati, M.Pfis. In his session, Ely conveyed the importance of understanding the various types of quantities and units used in physics studies. “Understanding of quantities and units is the main key in studying physics. “This helps students understand concepts and perform calculations more accurately,” explained Ely.

The second session was given by Upik Rahma Fitri, M.Pd, who explained about the use of basic measuring instruments. Upik emphasized the importance of accuracy and precision in using measuring instruments. “Using measuring tools such as calipers and micrometers requires caution. “Measurement errors, even though they are small, can have a big impact on the final results,” said Upik.

The final training session was filled with direct practice by the students. They are given the opportunity to practice using various measuring tools, such as calipers, micrometers, four-arm scales, spring balances, stopwatches and thermometers. These practical activities are guided by experienced instructors, ensuring that each student receives adequate guidance.

This activity was welcomed enthusiastically by the students. “This training is very useful. “I understand better how to use measuring instruments that I previously only read about in textbooks,” said one of the students participating in the training.

This training event succeeded in achieving its goal of improving the understanding and skills of junior high school students in Jakarta in the field of physics. The Physics Education Laboratory hopes that activities like this can continue to be carried out regularly to help students master basic physics concepts that are important for their studies.

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