Alumni Testimonials

1Dwinanda Permata Sari DennyPhysics Education has a very supportive environment that makes it easier for me to adapt, supported by lecturers who have clear assessment rubrics and learning timelines that make me more enthusiastic about running lectures a few years ago. Hopefully the UNJ Physics Education curriculum can continue to be relevant to the characteristics of its students.
2Lulu SucitaPhysics Education UNJ has various laboratories with adequate facilities that make it easier for me to understand learning and develop myself, hopefully all facilities at UNJ, especially Physics Education, will be maintained and even improved to be more complete and sophisticated.
3Zuhriana Ilmi HasanahI have learned many subjects about the use of technology in teaching physics, such as computer simulation and interactive learning software. It makes me know more about making interesting learning media.
4Savira Amalia KiranaThe development of UNJ Physics Education is growing very fast and impressive, I have heard about the achievements that have been achieved by Physics Education students. Hopefully Physics Education will continue to improve into a better study program and more applicants. I feel very proud to be an alumnus of Physics Education UNJ.
5Sofianti DitaniaWhat impressed me the most was being given the opportunity to intern in various schools and educational environments. This gave me real experience in teaching in different settings and conditions, which is invaluable for my preparation as a physics teacher.
6Mareti WulandariI am proud to be an alumnus of UNJ Physics Education because Physics Education is advancing in the future, it can be seen from the curriculum that is very adaptive to the times and relevant to the characteristics of today's students.
7Eryeni IsmayuWhen I was a student of Physics Education UNJ, I had many extraordinary friends coupled with extraordinary lecturers who made me continue to be motivated to become an extraordinary human being.
8Alfianisa Karromah SunardiProviding an understanding of the various misconceptions that have occurred in physics. In addition to studying physics (both theory and practice) we are also equipped with experience in the world of teaching, especially in designing (administrative preparation) to carry out creative and innovative teaching. We were also taught about how to approach students psychologically. These things really helped me when I was already in the world of work.
9Ana ZahroniHigh solidarity in lectures, enlightening lecturers, and the best educational services are factors that support me when studying in Physics Education.
10Nur Eka OktavianiDuring the course we not only learned about physics concepts, but were also given the opportunity to plan and teach physics lessons at different levels of education. This helped us understand how physics theories can be applied in the classroom.
11Mutoharoh HanafiI feel very fortunate to have witnessed the development of UNJ Physics Education from its inception to its current extraordinary condition. Studying at UNJ Physics Education feels like finding a new family. The strong brotherhood between students, lecturers, and staff has created a very pleasant learning environment. May UNJ Physics Education continue to grow with blessings.
12Mohamad AminLearning in UNJ Physics Education is full of innovation so that as an alumni I can feel the goodness when in the world of work in the field of education.
13Ni Larasati Kartika SariLecturers teach well and are very competent so that students get maximum results during lectures and the benefits can be felt until they graduate from Physics Education UNJ.
14Mariana PermanasariIt was very enjoyable to study at UNJ Physics Education because I met many diverse friends and lecturers who could answer all my confusion in learning physics concepts.
15Ayu Rindi AntikaThe curriculum includes education in the use of technology in teaching physics. This helps me stay connected with the latest educational technology developments. Hopefully in the future Physics Education will be more updated in the development of existing technology.