
Study Program Profile

In 1999, IKIP Jakarta changed to Jakarta State University (UNJ), which had the impact of expanding the mandate to open non-educational study programs. In line with this, UNJ changed the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education (FPMIPA) to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA).

Currently, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University (FMIPA UNJ) has 10 undergraduate study programs (S1), one of which is the Physics Education Study Program. The Physics Education Study Program was established based on Dikti Decree Number 112/DIKTI/Kep/1984 and is located at Campus A, Jakarta State University, Jalan Rawamangun Muka No. 1, East Jakarta. In 2015, the Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University received B accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) based on Decree Number: Number 1167/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/XI/2015 dated 28 November 2015 valid until 28 November 2020.

The Physics Education study program is led by a Study Program Coordinator. In carrying out the duties of the Higher Education Tri Dharma, the Study Program Coordinator is assisted by the Head of the Laboratory, the Study Program Journal manager, the Student Executive Board (BEM) supervisor, all Study Program lecturers and a secretarial staff. The Study Program Coordinator manages all the potential of the Physics Education Study Program so that it can function optimally. The management system for the Physics Education Study Program is guided by the Quality Management System (QMS) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that have been established.

Currently, the Physics Education Study Program has 16 lecturers with expertise in the field of Physics Education, three laboratory assistants (PLP), and a number of educational staff. The educational level of the lecturers in the Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University is very representative, 8 lecturers have completed doctoral studies both at home and abroad, 8 lecturers have master’s degrees (2 of whom are currently completing doctoral studies). The qualifications for functional academic positions for study program lecturers consist of 4 Professors, 5 Head Professors, 4 Lectors, and 3 Expert Assistants. With the number of active students around 182 people. Every year the number of students accepted by the study program always increases, namely 75 people.

Study period

The average study period for Physics Education Study Program students in the last five years is 8-9 semesters and in the last five years several students completed their studies in 7 semesters. The average Final Achievement Index (IPA) is 3.36.

In general, the profile of graduates of the Physics Education Study Program is divided into three, namely educators (SMP/MTs or SMA/MA/SMK teachers), researchers in the field of education, and education managers. Some graduates of the Physics Education Study Program continue their studies at Master’s level in the field of Physics Education or physical sciences and some work in the private sector or government. Most graduates of the Physics Education Study Program work according to their skills in positions including science and education staff, lecturers, and educators.

Graduate Degree

Graduates of the Physics Education Study Program are entitled to hold a Bachelor of Education degree, which is abbreviated to S.Pd.

Key Competencies

  • Have personality and social skills which include the ability to develop professional performance and be able to communicate it through scientific activities.
  • Mastering physics lesson material and curriculum at secondary school level.
  • Able to plan, manage and evaluate the physics learning process at secondary school level.
  • Able to manage physics classes, laboratories and workshops at secondary school level.
  • Able to utilize various media and learning resources in physics learning.
  • Understand school management and administration.
  • Able to participate in school management and administration.
  • Able to follow the latest developments in the field of physics education, research and manage them for the development of physics learning methods.
  • Able to develop oneself to become a professional in the field of education.

Supporting Competencies

  • Have entrepreneurial insight in self-development according to the field of interest.
  • Has Olympic values   ​​to support self-development and social life.