Results of Tracer Study

Alumni Association

The alumni association of the UNJ Physics Education Study Program is called the Alumni Association. Through this forum, all alumni activities and participation are conveyed. In order to establish communication between alumni and study programs, a social media group was also formed, consisting of alumni from across generations and study program administrators.

Several forms of participation provided by the Physics Education alumni association in academic and non-academic fields:
A. Financial contributions:
  1. Alumni make donations to help students who have difficulty paying UKT (single tuition fees).
  2. Alumni held a fundraiser to help students who were affected by the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
  3. Alumni participated in donating funds and helping to collect funds from various agencies to support the implementation of the UNJ Anniversary.
  4. Alumni participate in donating funds and helping to raise funds from various agencies to support the implementation of the Physics Alumni Gathering.
  5. Alumni participate in social service and halal bihalal activities.
B. Facility donations:
  1. Alumni provide books for the library.
  2. Alumni donated facilities for the development of physical facilities for physics camp activities.
  3. Alumni participate in social service and halal bihalal activities.
C. Involvement in academic activities
  1. Alumni provide input and constructive criticism on study programs related to curriculum improvements, especially in terms of the application of physics in the world of work and industry.
  2. Alumni became keynote speakers at the National Physics Seminar organized by the UNJ Physics Study and Physics Education Program.
  3. Alumni became speakers at the Public Lecture organized by the UNJ Physics Education Study Program.
  4. Alumni were speakers at the OPEN HOUSE activity organized by BEM, UNJ Physics Education Study Program.
  5. Alumni help students from the UNJ Physics Education Study Program in training for extracurricular activities, whether organized by the UNJ Physics Education Study Program or by UKM (Student Activity Unit).
D. Network development
  1. Alumni provide information about various opportunities for career development from various current alumni agencies. This information is conveyed through surveys in tracer studies, emails, and through other communication media.
  2. Network development to provide non-academic self-development opportunities such as sports, arts and other important information.
E. Providing facilities for academic activities
  1. Alumni assist students of the UNJ Physics Education Study Program in KKL activities in accordance with the work program of the UNJ Physics Education Study Program.
  2. Alumni help students from the UNJ Physics Education Study Program in their thesis research activities.
  3. Alumni helped students from the UNJ Physics Education Study Program in their Olympism lecture activities

Gathering of Physics Education Alumni FMIPA Jakarta State University/IKIP Jakarta

In order to close 2020 as well as to maintain the ties of friendship between alumni and lecturers at the Physics Education Study Program, FMIPA UNJ/IKIP Jakarta, an online meeting was held on 31 December 2020. The meeting was attended by the Chair of Physics Alumni, FMIPA UNJ/IKIP Jakarta, Mr. Saehu Nurdin and Mr. Alumni include Mr. Sony Teguh Trilaksono, Ali Mukodas, Kintoron, Rosyid Anam, Mrs. Tri Elis, Mr. Abdul Qodir, Wicay, Imam Edy, Sapto, Tri Mulyadi, Nur Syamsudin, M Zainul, Zulhamshah, Pjol, Samsurial, Sapta, Nofrijal , Mrs. Putu Lasmi, Mr. Ibnu Max, Inggil Budiono etc. A relaxed discussion was delivered by Mr Anggara B Susila accompanied by Mr Hadi Nasbey, Esmar Budi, Sunaryo, Agus Setyo Budi and Riser Fahdiran. Some input and hopes from alumni include joint studies to evaluate the online learning process in schools during the pandemic, especially how to optimally improve the quality of online learning, then proposals to collaborate in the field of education with the Ministry of Religion and proposals to make the campus a pioneer in driving empowerment and environmental awareness. Happy new year for 2021.