Admission Requirement

Admission Requirement

The attempts to improve the quality and increase the quantity of prospective students through the selection process are essential in admitting  qualified students who are enthusiastic about exploring their potential. The process should be done through proportional, open (transparent), accountable, and fair selection. Apart from that, in order to improve the quality of the UNJ student admissions selection system, the model and the selection process were developed based on the developments in ICT, cyber technology, and the digitalization era.

Improving the quality of new students is inseparable from society’s demands for the quality of competitive and innovative higher education graduates. In addition, the community needs a model of examination and selection for new student admissions based on the principles of convenience, flexibility, and quality.

The student admission selection process at UNJ aims to:

  1. Capture the interest and quality of prospective students who will continue their studies
  2. Predict the ability of prospective students to complete their studies at UNJ,
  3. Test the competence of prospective students who will continue their studies at UNJ.

UNJ, as a permanent institution, is given the authority and responsibility to carry out a standardized competency test in order to fulfill the national interest in the context of educating and dignifying the nation through education. UNJ, as an educational institution, along with the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) as an institution implementing the selection process, has developed test instruments that are reliable and ready to use, accurate, credible, proportional, efficient, and effective. The instrument for the selection process for student admissions in detail contains an analysis of the national and global situation, a roadmap for the institution based on the functions and regulations that apply, and an identification of the resources needed. LTMPT ( was inaugurated by the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia on January 4, 2019. LTMPT has given a positive perception to the public that: a) Indonesia will have a permanent institution serving college entrance tests based on national standards; b) the exam is carried out in several places and times using the UTBK method (Computer Based Writing Examination); c) candidates can access test results transparently. LTMPT functions to manage and process prospective student data as a reference for exam selection with the SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and UTBK routes. Quotas for each selection route are SBMPTN (40%), SNMPTN (30%), and Mandiri (30%).

The admission process for UNJ students, which is informed on the website  is as follows:

  1. SNMPTN (,
  2. SBMPTN (,
  3. Independent Written Examination:
  4. Mandiri Achievement:,
  5. Postgraduate:,
  6. Recognition of Past Learning/RPL
  7. Transfer Student (

Since 2019, the SBMPTN selection system has used the Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) system and other systems determined by UNJ. The institution that organizes the UTBK system is LTMPT, collaborates with UNJ. The UTBK selection system provides credible and high quality results with an assessment of the exam results for each participant. Prospective students who are entitled to take part in UTBK are those who have passed a maximum of the last three years. For UTBK 2022, those allowed to participate are high school graduates in 2022, 2021, and 2020. Prospective students entitled to take part in UTBK are graduates from high school (SMA/SMK/MA and equivalent). Meanwhile, participants from Package C schools have a minimum age of 25 years. The types of higher education institutions that carry out joint UTBK are State Universities (PTN), State Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIN), and State Polytechnics.