Subject Specific Criteria

The SSC (Subject Specific Criteria) of Bachelor of Physics Study Programme is presented in folowing table.

Specialist Competences 


They have sound knowledge of classical physics (mechanics, electrodynamics, thermodynamics, oscillations, waves and optics) and are familiar with the fundamentals of quantum, atomic and molecular, nuclear, elementary particle and solid state physics. 


They are familiar with important mathematical methods used in physics and can use these to solve physics problems. 


They have an extensive understanding of the fundamental principles of physics, their inherent relation and mathematical formulation and, based on this, have acquired methods suitable for theoretical analysis, modelling and simulation of relevant processes.


They have applied their knowledge to physics problems in an exemplary manner and studied some areas in greater depth, thereby acquiring a first basis for problem solving competence. 


They have a basic capacity to comprehend physics problems. This will in general however not yet facilitate a deeper understanding of current research areas. 


They are therefore in a position to independently classify physics-based and to some extent also interdisciplinary problems that require a target-oriented and logic-based approach, and to analyse and/or solve them by using natural scientific and mathematical methods. 


They are familiar with basic principles of experimentation, are able to use modern physics measurement methods, and are in a position to assess the significance of results correctly. 


They have generally also acquired an overview knowledge in selected other natural science subjects or technical disciplines. 


They are able to apply their knowledge to different fields and act responsibly in their professional activity. They are moreover able to recognise new trends in their subject area and integrate the relevant methodology – if necessary after appropriate qualification – into their further work. 


They are able to continuously and independently extend and deepen the knowledge ac- quired in the Bachelor’s degree programme. They are familiar with suitable learning strategies (lifelong learning) for this; they are in particular qualified for a consecutive Master’s degree programme in principle.  

Social Competences 


They have gained initial experience with regard to generic qualifications (e.g. time management, study and work techniques, willingness to cooperate, capacity for teamwork, communication and presentation skills,, communication and presentation techniques, programming skills) in their degree programme, and are able to develop these skills further. 


They are familiar with the basic elements of the relevant specialised English 


They are able to solve a simple scientific problem and to present their results orally (talk/presentation) and in writing (demonstrated in a Bachelor’s thesis).  


They know the rules of good scientific practice.