Student Executive Board (BEM)

Student Executive Board (BEM)

The Student Executive Board (BEM) or commonly abbreviated as BEMP Physics UNJ is a student organization of the level of the study program which is tasked with providing services as well as connecting the entire community of the Physics Studies Program in the environment of the State University of Jakarta.

BEMP Physics UNJ has the organizational structure of the secretary, treasury, 5 departments, and 1 office to carry out its duties, namely the Department of Spirituality, Department of Student Welfare, Department for Cadrealization, Ministry of Communications and Information, department of Research and Technology Development, and the Bureau of Perkoin.

BEMP Physics UNJ is headed by the Chairman of the Organization called the Chief Student Executive Board. The Chief of BEMP becomes the central figure that can give direct directions to the entire members of the BEMP.

BEMP Physics UNJ has 6 main programmes of work, namely:

  1. Social Bakti Physics (BASOKA)
  2. Open House physics (OH Physics)
  3. Scientific Week Physics Physics Training Design (Pride)
  4. Introduction to Campus Life New Students Physics Studies Program (PKKMB physics)
  5. Student Leadership Training Physics Study Program (PKMP Physics).

The Social Bakti Physics abbreviated by BASOKA is a relief program from UNJ’s BEMP Physics to the public in need. Open House Physics, abbreviated as OH Physics is a talent introduction program in the Physics Studies Program to all students of the University of Jakarta Physics Study Program. Pride is a design training program for all students of the Physics Studies Program at Jakarta State University.

The Physics Scientific Week, abbreviated as PIF, is a creative event and competition that is shown for the secondary and high school or equivalent, as well as students throughout the University in Indonesia. PIF also has a Network of Seminars for students and/or the general public.

Prodi Physics is an introduction to the university environment and is the speciality of the Physics Studies Program of the State University of Jakarta for New Students.

Student Leadership Training Physics Studies Programme, commonly abbreviated as PKMP Physics, is a Leadership and Teamwork Training Programme for Students of Physics Programme as a new framework for continuing the career of the Student Organization in subsequent periods.

BEM Physics Activities of Jakarta State University

The Physics Scientific Week (Pekan Ilmiah Fisika or PIF) is a nationally organized event. This year, PIF carries the theme “Physics Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals in the 21st Century.” This event take place from August till October annually. The participants is Physics students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNJ, and public. PIF consists of two main agendas: competitions and a seminar. The competitions are Physics Infographic Competition (PIC) and the Physics Article Competition (PAC). In regard to the seminar, its focus is on “Enhancing the Involvement of Students in Advancing Physics Innovations as the Core of Sustainable Development in the 21st Century.” Dr. Nurfina Yudasari, M.Sc, an Associate Researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), as the keynote speaker for the seminar.

Mental health has become an extremely important issue during the pandemic transition period. Therefore, the Student Executive Board of the Physics Study Program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, organized the Physics Mental Health Seminar activity. The event was enthusiastically attended not only by Physics students but also by public. This year’s the event focused on the theme of “Managing Pressure and Stress in the Academic World during the Transition Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic”. Alongside the seminar, this event featured exciting competitions, including the Photography Competition and Creative Video Competition. The event was held virtually on September Annually. The implementation of 2022 activities on September 18, 2022. Speaker: Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi (Psychological Consultation Unit, Faculty of Psychology, UGM).

The Physics Workshop and Training is a program organized by the Advocacy and Student Welfare Department of BEMP Physics. In 2022, the theme that was carries is “Enhance Your Data Analysis Skills by Developing Your Excel and Tableau Skills”. The purpose of this program is to improve students knowledge and skills in using Excel and Tableau applications. The Physics Workshop and Training event was held virtually on July annually. This year held on July 31st, 2022 with speaker Muhammad Faiz, S.Si. (UNJ Alumni).

The Campus Life Orientation for New Students (PKKMB) is a program to familiarize new students with the campus environment and the culture of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNJ. It serves as a means for new students to orient themselves and adapt to the academic environment. The PKKMB activities was take place on August annually.

With the aim to prepare the next generation within the OPMAWA Physics UNJ, the Leadership Training for Joint Study Program Students (PKMPB) in Physics is being held. The primary goal of the PKMPB Physics initiative is to assist potential student leaders from the Physics Department at UNJ in becoming well-prepared for leadership roles within OPMAWA, whether in the executive or legislative capacities. The theme for PKMPB Physics 2022 is “Shaping Leaders with INERSIA Traits (Intellectual, Nationalistic, Energetic, Religious, Sporty, Integrity-driven, Adaptive) in Preparing for Indonesia Emas 2045.” The activities are conducted online for day 1 and 4, and in-person for day 2 and 3. The schedule for the event is as follows:

 Time and Place :
- October 30th , 2022 (Zoom Cloud Meetings)
- November 30th, 2022 (Basketball and Tennis Courts, Campus B UNJ)
- November 12th, 2022 (GHA Building, 2nd Floor, Campus A UNJ)
- November 19th, 2022 (KH Dewantara Building, 8th Floor, Campus A UNJ)
 Speaker : Ahmad Syauqi Baihaqy, Syafannisa Fitria Farah Dewi, Hernanda Khoiriyah Putri, Siska Miati Jati Ningsih, Liana Setiyowati, Muhammad Ikhsanullah, Alyssa Maharani, Syamil Abyan
 Participants : UNJ Physics Student (2021 and 2022)

During the PKMPB Physics event, participants are equipped with materials that support them in organizational activities. These include leadership, public speaking, and organizational management.

The Workshop Coding Python with Pygame (WARCOP) is a new program organized by the Information and Communication Department of BEMP Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta in 2022. The theme of this event is “How to Build and Develop a Game Application Using Pygame.” The objective of this activity is to enhance students knowledge and skills in coding, particularly in Pygame. WARCOP UNJ is conducted online on:

 Day, Date : Saturday, September 17th, 2022
 Speaker : Diah Ambarwulan (Head Editor of Green Circle Digital)
 Participants : Physics Student and Public