Tracer Study

Tracer Study

Welcome to the Physics Study Program Study TracerĀ  Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University. Tracer study is research on the situation of alumni, especially in terms of job search, work situations, and the use of competency acquisition while studying at the Physics Study Program. The tracer study is intended to traces the alumni which are carried out 2 years after graduation. The purpose of the tracer study is:

  • Knowing educational outcomes in the form of transitions from the world of higher education to the world of work, including the waiting period for work and the first job search process, the last work situation, and the application of competencies in the world of work.
  • Knowing the output of education, namely self-assessment of the mastery and acquisition of competence.
  • Knowing the educational process in the form of evaluating the learning process and the contribution of higher education to the acquisition of competence.

Tracer study is very important as a performance evaluation tool for the Physics Study Program. Through tracer studies, the Physics Study Program can find out the position of graduates who have been absorbed in the world of work and prepare graduates according to the competencies needed.The benefits of tracer study for the Physics Study Program are:

  • Alumni Database
  • Suggestions for improving the performance of lecturers and education staff
  • Suggestions for Improving the Study Program Curriculum
  • Suggestions/important information for the development of tertiary institutions
  • An evaluation tool to see the relevance between universities and the world of business and industry
  •  Materials for building alumni networks.

It is hoped that all alumni of the Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University can fill out the Tracer Study Entry Form which can be accessed via the following link.