Subject Matter

Code Subject Matter Descriptions Type of Course Name of Course
 SM 1 Character building, basic scientific insight, and communication skills Character building, leadership skills, mastery of basic knowledge, and communication skills. University’s Courses Indonesian
Education Overview
Civic Education
Logic and Reasoning
Faculty’s Courses Philosophy of Natural Sciences
Study Programme’s Compulsory Courses General Chemistry
English for Physics
General Biology
Scientific Communication
 SM 2 Classical Physics (Newtonian Physics) The basic knowledge of physics consists of: basic physics, mechanics, optical waves, electro-magnetism, and thermodynamics. Study Programme’s Compulsory Courses Basic Physics I
Basic Physics II
Classical Mechanics
Electricity and Magnetism
 SM 3 Mathematics, Computing, and ICT Ability to use mathematical and computational concepts in the scientific study of physics and solving physics problems. University’s Courses Big Data and Programming
Study Programme’s Compulsory Courses Calculus I
Calculus II
Mathematical Physcis I
Mathematical Physics II
Introduction to Information Technology
Computer Programming
Computational Physics
Elective Courses C/C++ Programming Language
Physics Simulation
Capita Selecta on Computational
 SM 4 Measurements and Experiments Capable of working in the laboratory to comprehend physics theory and its application. Study Programme’s Compulsory Courses Basic Physics Practicum I
Basic Physics Practicum II
Electronics Practicum
Computer Programming Practicum
Modern Physics Practicum
Computational Physics Practicum
Digital Electronics Practicum
Measurement and Data Analysis
Experimental Physics
 SM 5 Modern Physics Modern physics theory contains of the fundamentals of quantum, atomic and molecular, nuclear, elementary particle, and solid-state physics. Study Programme’s Compulsory Courses Modern Physics
Quantum Physics
Solid Sate Physics
Introduction to Nuclear Physics
Statistical Physics
Elective Courses Electromagnetic Field Theory
Quantum Mechanics
 SM 6 Applied Physics Apply the physics theory to the industry. Study Programme’s Compulsory Courses Industrial Physics
Digital Electronics
Elective Courses Elective Courses on Materials Physics
Elective Courses on Computational Physics
Elective Courses on Instrumentation Physics
 SM 7 Scientific description Scientific and academic writing to provide scientific reports. Study Programme’s Compulsory Courses Undergraduate Pre-Thesis Seminar
Undergraduate Thesis
Research Methodology in Physics
Independent Learning Activities Courses Internship
Planning and Design Activity
Reports and publications
Physics Workshop
Special study 1
Special study 2