Seminar Nasional Fisika 2015 ( National Physics Seminar 2015)

The latest inventions and innovations in the technology field are currently closely related to Physics. Among these inventions that have changed the world, such as the discovery of lasers, solar cells, fuel cells, fiber optics, semiconductors, photonics, nuclear technology, rocket and satellite technology, the Global Positioning System, nanotechnology, and various other significant innovations. Various global challenges that arise along with the times and limited natural resources will be answered through the active collaboration of physics with various other disciplines. This collaboration’s results need to be comprehensively conveyed to the broader community so that their utilization is more visible. The National Physics Seminar with the theme “Physics in the Future: Education, Application, Sustainable Development, and Innovation” is a forum for periodic scientific meetings held by the Department of Physics, FMIPA, Jakarta State University as a forum for interaction, collaboration, and integration between educators, researchers, and practitioners. Seminar participants are educators and researchers, including lecturers, teachers, students, and practitioners from within and outside the country.

Registration Information:

*All papers submitted and presented will be published in online proceedings. Selected papers will be published in the Spektra Journal, Department of Physics, FMIPA, Jakarta State University

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