Sitti Ghaliyah – Student with Great Achievements

Sitti Ghaliyah, who is called ‘Gia’, this 2011 Physics Education student, has a Great of achievements as follows:

  1. Delegate of State University of Jakarta, International PetroGas Days Conference offered by Indonesia University, March 2015.
  2. 1-st Winner of Olimpiade Menulis Nasional, Olimpiade Menulis Nasional offered by Republik Menulis, January 2015.
  3. 2-nd Winner of Online Writing Competition. National Online Writing Competition offered by, January 2015.
  4. Receiver of Grant of PKM DIKTI 2015, National PKM-Karsa Cipta, January 2015.
  5. 1-st Winner of Kompetisi Esai Gagasan untuk Negeri, National APRESI (Ajang Apresiasi Mahasiswa) 2014 offered by BEM FMIPA UNJ, December 2014.
  6. 3-rd Winner of Harmoni Cinta Guru Essay Competition 2015, National, Harmoni Cinta Guru offered by BEM UNJ, October 2014.
  7. Delegate of State University of Jakarta, National Future Educators Conference offered by Youth ESN, October 2014.
  8. 2-nd Winner of Outstanding Student of Mathematics and Science Faculty, Outstanding Student Competition, March 2014.
  9. Top 5 Finalist of Inspiration Essay Competition, Inspiration Essay Competition offered by LDK Nuraniku UNJ, State University of Jakarta, January 2014.
  10. Delegate of State University of Jakarta, ASEAN, Nusantara Young Leaders Forum Organization in ASEAN level, January 2014.
  11. 1-st Winner of Paper Competition in Decan Cup UNJ, State University of Jakarta, December 2013.
  12. Delegate of State University of Jakarta, National, Youth Educators Regional Jakarta Training 2013, Education to Employment, December 2013.
  13. 2-nd Winner Blog Competition, National, Blog Competition offered by Excecutive Board Technique Faculty Student, State University of Jakarta, December 2013.
  14. Top 10 Finalist of Ayo Lawan Korupsi Essay Competition, National, Essay Competition offered by Excecutive Board Language and Art Faculty Student, Sttae University of Jakarta, December 2013.
  15. 1-st Winner of Harmoni Cinta Guru Essay Competition, National, Essay Competition offered by BEM UNJ, November 2013.
  16. Top 2 Finalist of PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa) Competition – Research Category, State University of Jakarta, November 2013.
  17. Top 5 Finalist of PKM (Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa) Competition – Community Contribution Category, State University of Jakarta, November 2013.
  18. 2-nd Winner Islamic Writing Contest, National, Islamic Engineering Festival State University of Jakarta, November 2013.
  19. 1-st Winner of Islamic Writing Competition, State University of Jakarta, Article Writing Competition in SMASH B (Seminar Muslimah Kampus B), October 2013.
  20. Top 5 Finalist of Paper and Poster Presentation Competition of Indonesia EBTKE CONEX 2013, National Renewable Energy and Conservation Conference offered by MITI (Masyarakat Energi TErbarukan Indonesia), August 2013.
  21. 1-st Winner of Gebyar Jakarta Essay Competition, State University of Jakarta, June 2013.
  22. Top 10 Finalist of Nuclear Blogging Competition, National, Nuclear Youth Summit 2013 offered by KOMMUN (Komunitas Muda Nuklir Nasional), May 2013.
  23. Grade A: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (an online Learning), A course of study offered by MITx, an online learning of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology through edX, February 2013.
  24. Finalist of 2013 International Essay Contest for Young People, International, International Essay Contest offered by The Goi Peace Foundation and UNESCO, January 2013.
  25. 2-nd GiveAway Blog Contest, National, GiveAway Blog Contest offered by Persatuan Blogger Indonesia, 2012.

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