Seminar Nasional Fisika 2018 (National Physics Seminar 2018)

Physics and Physics Education Study Program

State University of Jakarta

Jakarta, 14 July 2018

The 2018 National Physics Seminar (Seminar Nasional Fisika 2018) is a forum for periodic scientific meetings held by the Physics and Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University, for interaction, collaboration, and integration between educators, researchers, and practitioners. This year’s National Physics Seminar (2018) is the 7th year of National Physics Seminar. Since it was first held, the National Physics Seminar has been part of the Jakarta State University Anniversary series of events. Moreover, since 2014 the National Physics Seminar has been held in collaboration with the Physics Study Program and Physics Education FMIPA Jakarta State University with the Jakarta branch of the Indonesian Physics Association (Himpunan Fisika Indonesia). Through this collaboration, it is expected to positively contribute to the progress of science in Indonesia, especially in physics education and applied physics.

The seminar with the theme “Research Development on Physics and Implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) to Strengthen Teaching and Learning Process” will present three main speakers, namely Prof. Kiichiiro Kagawa (Fukui University, Japan), Osamu Hashimoto, Ph.D. (Gunma Astronomical Observatory, Japan), and Irma Rahma Suwarma, Ph.D. (Indonesian University of Education). The total number of seminar participants this time is 235 participants with papers received, and 193 will be presented with fields of study including Physics Education; Instrumentation and Computing; Material Physics, Biophysics, and Medical Physics; Earth and Space Sciences; Theoretical, Particle and Nuclear Physics; and Environmental Physics and Renewable Energy. The presenters came from Fukui University Japan, Gunma Astronomical Observatory Japan, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Vocational Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, National Nuclear Energy Agency, College of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics, Muhammadiyah University Prof. Dr. Hamka, Papua Cendrawasih University, Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency, Bengkulu State University, National College of Technology-National Nuclear Energy Agency, Pancasila University, College of Aerospace Technology, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Bandung State Polytechnic, Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung , Open University, Islamic Village High School, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung College of Textile Technology Polytechnic, Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta State University, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Jakarta State University, Indonesian University of Education, Galuh University, Bandung 8 High School, and Catholic University Widya Mandala Surabaya.

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