Seminar Nasional Fisika 2019 (National Physics Seminar 2019)

Physics and Physics Education Study Program

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science

State University of Jakarta

Jakarta, 29 June 2019

The 2019 National Physics Seminar (Seminar Nasional Fisika) was held on Saturday, June 29, 2019 at the Dewi Sartika Building, Campus A, Jakarta State University, in connection with the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which was marked by increased relations and interactions between people, goods, machines, and all resources that converged and integrated through the development of information technology knowledge. This phenomenon has changed how we work and collaborate at the national and global levels. The younger generation, especially students and the entire academic community are at the forefront of entering the industrial era 4.0. Innovative capabilities are critical words for universities and research institutions in building innovative ecosystems to produce quality research and studies that positively impact the development of national competence. Collaboration between stakeholders involving education and research in various disciplines by both the government and the private sector is necessary to form a society responsive to technology. Jakarta State University , as one of the higher education institutions, is responsible for producing quality graduates so they can compete at the national and global levels. One form of activity in improving the quality of graduates, education, and research carried out by the Physics Study Program and Physics Education FMIPA UNJ is holding The 8th National Physics Seminar in collaboration with the Professional Association of the Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI) Management Jakarta & Banten on June 29, 2019, with the theme “The Role of Physics and Physics Education in Technology Innovation for Nation Competencies in the Industry 4.0.” Seminar participants involved lecturers, researchers, teachers, practitioners, and students from various regions of Indonesia.

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