Olympism Camp 2019

Physics and Physics Education Study Program

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science

Jakarta State University

Gunung Bunder, Bogor, West Java, 22-24 November 2019

The Olympiad Lecture in the Physics and Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Jakarta State University, is an academic activity that aims to shape students’ character (Character Building) by adopting Olympic values, including Respect, Excellent, and Friendships. Character building through Olympiad is an additional effort through Religious Education, Language, Culture, Citizenship, and nationality. Implementing Olympiad lectures includes face-to-face meetings, field practice in high schools, and almost accurate simulations of Olympic values in the form of the 2019 Olympism Camp. This Olympic Camp activity closes all Olympiad lecture activities for one semester and will be held on 22-24 November 2019, located at Gunung Bunder, Bogor.

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