Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru 2019 (Introduction to Campus Life for new students 2019)

Physics and Physics Education Study Program

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science

Jakarta State Univesity

28 August 2019

The Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru) 2019, especially for new Physics Education Study Program students, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Jakarta State University, was held on 17, 28, and 29 August 2019. A special meeting was held between new students, study program management, and Physics Education lecturers on Wednesday, 28 August 2019, in the Building K.H. Hasjim Asjarie Campus A Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Jakarta State University. All Physics Education Study Program management and Lecturers attended the activity. The 2019 PKKMB activity was facilitated by the Faculty of Mathematics and  Natural Science at Jakarta State University in coordination with the Physics Education Study Program Student Executive Board. 

The theme of the 2019 The Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru) activity is “Inventor (Intellectual of Innovation, Religious, and Educational Revolutionary)”. This activity aims to provide guidance and general insight to new students in participating in academic activities, including lectures and practicums, and organizing and socializing in the campus environment so that one day they can become intellectuals who constantly innovate religiously and have a revolutionary education. The world is being hit by the industrial revolution 4.0 during the peaking development of information technology and is heading towards Industry 5.0, which will restore aspects of human civilization. This, of course, must be anticipated by the entire academic community, including new students of Physics Education at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Jakarta State University.

The 2019 PKKMB activities at the study program level were also attended by the Head of Physics Alumni, Mr. Saehu Nurdin, M.M. (P.T. Garuda Indonesia). Activities include introductory sessions for Co-Prodi, Head of Lab, Student Executive Board Supervisor, GPjM, Lecturers, and Laboratory Assistant/PLP. Furthermore, the introduction of procedures for filling in new student biodata and KRS was continued with an introduction to the field of research/research of lecturers. After Isoma, it was followed by curriculum materials, academic guidance and guidance on the final project/thesis, and an introduction to leading study program activities including the National Physics Seminar, JPPPF Journal and Spectra, Alumni Gathering, Olimpism Camp, etc.

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