UNJ Physics Education Students Participate in Physics 9.0 National Seminar at UPI

A total of nine students who are members of JSUPER (Jakarta State University Physics Education Research) attended the SiNaFi 9.0 event as presenters under the guidance of Dr. Firmanul Catur Wibowo, M.Pd., a lecturer in physics education. Five student presenters attended offline, namely Annisa Ramadhania Susila, Maudi Fernanda, Arif Muzakki, Indri Febilioni Ruhyana, and Tyrra Aulia Rahma Mahfud. In addition, four student presenters who attended online were Fani Anggraini, Gustama Wibawa Rachman, Aisha Hanum Syahrial, and Ahmad Fakhri Burhanudin. The nine students carried out bibliometric analysis research techniques with different themes using the Scopus database. They all successfully conducted research, presented the results, and participated in question and answer discussions. Many participants or other presenters felt interested in this bibliometric analysis, seen in their enthusiasm when asking questions to JSUPER presenters.
Dr. Firmanul Catur Wibowo, M.Pd., greatly contributed in guiding their research from determining the theme, conducting research, to preparing articles, even he also provided assistance in subsidizing publication costs to participate in SiNaFi 9.0 which came from the research grant he obtained.

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