UNJ Physics Study Program Entered the Top 10 Sinta for Publication Category for the Last 3 Years

[Jakarta, November 10 2022]

Congratulations… congratulations… congratulations… That is the right speech to convey to UNJ physics which managed to penetrate the top 10 rankings in SINTA, precisely ranked 8th, for the publication category 3 in the last year. SINTA itself is a portal that contains a database of universities in Indonesia and researchers / lecturers involved in research. This result is a proud achievement considering that UNJ’s physics study program competes with physics study programs at other larger universities. The following are the top 10 physics study programs in several universities in Indonesia for publications over the past three years (source: https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/departments/affiliations/45201)

  1. Diponegoro University
  2. Airlangga University
  3. State University of Malang
  4. Bandung Institute of Technology
  5. Bogor Institute of Agriculture
  6. Sebelas Maret University
  7. Sepuluh November Institute of Technology
  8. Jakarta State University
  9. University of Education Indonesia
  10. Padjajaran University

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