EPIIC Scopus Publication 2023: UTM, UNJ, UNNES, and ITI Collaboration

ISEA (International Science Educator’s Alliance) in collaboration with Physics Education of Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Negeri Semarang, and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Institut Teknologi Indonesia, organized an international conference namely EPIIC (Electronic Physics Informatics International Conference) which was held in Hybrid online and offline at Smart Classroom Building D, Institut Teknologi Indonesia, Jl. Raya Puspiptek Serpong, South Tangerang, Indonesia. The event was held on Saturday, August 25, 2023.

This seminar was held in Hybrid, with offline participants around 43 presenters at ITI Serpong and online around 38 through the Zoom Meetings platform. Seminar participants and presenters were attended by lecturers and students from both Indonesia and abroad. Prof. Lisa Martin, Science Education California State University, United States, was the keynote speaker at this seminar. Dr. Hadi Nasbey, M.Pd, Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia.

The theme of EPIIC 2023 is “Transformation of Computer Physics and Electronics Innovations through Digital Practices in a Post-Pandemic World”. The scope of EPIIC 2023 research are: Applied Physics, Applied Electronics and Devices, Applied Computer Science, Applied STEM Education, Applied Educational Technology, Applied Science Education (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), and Engineering Technology.

The seminar began with the opening of the MC then continued with several remarks, and the seminar was officially opened. Prof. Lisa H Martin, as the keynote speaker, delivered the first material. The first material session went smoothly and actively, the participants who attended felt enthusiastic about the material and the way of delivery from Prof. Lisa H Martin. Then, the event continued with the presentation of the second material by Dr. Hadi Nasbey, M.Pd., who presented the material entitled “Study of the Drop-ball test and Impact Tensile Force Measurement Based on the Levitation Mass Method”. The presentation of the material from Dr. Hadi Nasbey, M.Pd, was also welcomed enthusiastically by the seminar participants. Some participants asked questions and were answered clearly by Dr. Hadi Nasbey, M.Pd.

After the second presentation session was over, the event could not continue to the third presentation session because the next speaker, Prof. Jeongyong Kim, was unable to attend. Therefore, the event immediately continued with a group photo session between the presenters, presenters, and all participants who were present on the spot and at Zoom Meetings.

The event continued with a parallel session. In the parallel session, the presenters reported the results of research and studies that had been carried out and were within the scope of EPIIC 2023. Furthermore, there was a discussion and question and answer session guided by the moderator. The discussion and question and answer sessions ran smoothly and orderly. Through this session, it is hoped that participants from various regions can exchange useful information about computer physics and electronics research.

We would like to thank all participants and organizers who have collaborated to make this annual EPIIC event a success.

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