[STUDIUM GENERALE – Physics Education Study Program FMIPA UNJ 2023]

“STEM in Physics Education: Post-Pandemic Physics Learning Reasearch Propects”

As a form of adding new insights in the context of applying science in accordance with the needs and developments of the times, the UNJ Physics Education Study Program held a stadium generale or better known as a guest lecture on August 24, 2023 with the topic “”STEM in Physics Education: Post-Pandemic Physics Learning Reasearch Prospects”. This guest lecture was in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with guest speaker Dr. Muhammad Abd Hadi Bunyamin (Research executive, Vice-Chancellor Office, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia). The event was opened by Dr. Hadi Nasbey as the coordinator of the UNJ Physics Education study program then continued with the presentation material from the speakers.

Dr. Muhammad ABD Hadi Bunyamin emphasized the concept of “equity” where everyone can get access and be supported by the system. “Equity” is a real problem in various aspects of education, culture, gender, race, and others, especially in the world of physics education. Some data shows: 1. Women’s achievement in science, where female students are smaller than male students; 2. Women’s poor economic background, will be viewed differently and have more complicated problems; 3. Research that must involve parents. The problem is that the physics community is not yet “aware” of this issue. In addition, if reviewed more deeply, it turns out that the way women and men learn is different. Therefore, learning in the “Equity” section, especially in Gender, should be considered so that both women and men get the same achievement and the system also supports it.

Furthermore, the event continued with a question and answer session where the participants, both lecturers and students, were enthusiastic in the question and answer discussion that took place. The event ended by giving souvenirs from both the Physics Education Study Program represented by the Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dr. Esmar Budi, M.T., and from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia represented by Dr. Muhammad ABD Hadi Bunyamin.

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