PTN-BH Transformation: Prof. Komarudin Firmly Rejects Commercialization of Education

Jakarta State University (UNJ) Rector Prof. Komarudin encourages his campus to become a PTN-BH. He also firmly rejects the commercialization of education that is often associated with this status. PTN BH is a status carried by universities with autonomous legal entity status. Simply put, universities can manage their own universities.

“So PTN-BH is often associated with the commercialization of education, for that I myself emphasize the rejection of the practice of commercialization of education. Education services should not be commercialized because they have a noble function to improve the nation’s education,” he was quoted as saying on Wednesday (5/7/2023). Therefore, said the man who was re-elected as a candidate for UNJ Rector for the period 2023 – 2027, his party will maximize the acceleration pillars of UNJ with World Reputation, which consists of seven, namely (1) Strengthening Core Competency and Quality of International Standard Education; (2) Research & P2M outputs that have an impact on society, DUDI, the State, and the World; (3) Strengthening Publications, Citations, Information Sources, and Publicity; (4) Strengthening University Governance and Performance; (5) Strengthening Human Resources and Expertise; (6) Optimizing Assets, and Strengthening Information Technology System Infrastructure for Income Generating; and (7) Strengthening the Role of Alumni and National and International Cooperation Networks.

“Therefore, later when PTN-BH, the campus should not rely on students for income. That is what the public is afraid of. Regarding financial readiness, the potential of various assets owned by UNJ will be maximized in accordance with the 6th pillar, namely “Optimizing Assets, and Strengthening Information Technology System Infrastructure for Income Generating”, he said. According to Komarudin, the seven pillars have their respective work programs based on the success of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka program and tackling the problem of the ‘3 big sins of education’ campaigned by the Minister of Education and Research Nadiem Makarim, namely Bullying, Sexual Violence, and Intolerance.

Efforts to combat the 3 big sins were carried out by forming the PPKS Task Force in accordance with the mandate of Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021 concerning PPKS, and the establishment of the UNJ Center for Character and Civilization Achievement Development (P3KP) in 2020. Meanwhile, in the UNJ RPJP, it is mandated that after UNJ has an independent status marked by becoming a PTN-BH, the next stage is for UNJ to excel among LPTK until 2045 to achieve a world reputation. The UNJ 2020 – 2045 RPJP is based on the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 42 of 2018. He also promised that when UNJ changed its status to PTN-BH, the potential assets owned by UNJ today will be developed more widely in order to become UNJ’s main source of income, for example, UNJ business development in Setia Budi land assets – South Jakarta,

development of the Entrepreneurial Development Center and Edu Techno Park in Duren Sawit land assets – East Jakarta. In addition, the development of Pusdiklat and Culinary Business in Tajurhalang – Bogor land assets, the development of UNJ land assets in Cikarang, the development of UNJ Labschool, and the development of integrated and interconnected IT Systems which currently have reached 26 Information System products that support and assist the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational governance at UNJ. “I hope that we can all build UNJ to realize its vision to become a world reputable campus, educate quality graduates in accordance with the demands of the current era of globalization, and of course at the same time continue to realize a humanist campus that glorifies diversity, equality, and inclusiveness, as well as anti-bullying and anti-sexual violence,” said Komarudin.


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