Prof. Komarudin and the Pamor 7 Pillars of UNJ Acceleration

The Rector of the State University of Jakarta (UNJ), Prof. Komarudin, was elected as a candidate for the rector of UNJ for the period 2023-2027. This time, he carries seven pillars of UNJ Acceleration with World Reputation with the tagline “Great Reputation to Enlighten the Nation and the Globe” as his work program.
Komarudin in Jakarta, Wednesday (5/7), said that the seven pillars are, first, Strengthening Core Competency and Quality of International Standard Education, second, Research & Community Service Outputs that have an impact on society, DUDI, the State, and the World.

Third, Komarudin continued, Strengthening Publications, Citations, Information Sources, and Publicity, fourth; Strengthening University Governance and Performance, fifth; Strengthening Human Resources and Expertise, sixth; Asset Optimization, and Strengthening Information Technology System Infrastructure for Income Generating, and seventh; Strengthening the Role of Alumni and National and International Cooperation Networks.

“Of the seven pillars, each work program is based on and aligned to continue the success of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) Program,” he said.

In addition to the success of MBKM, it is also to overcome the problem of the ‘three big sins of education’ that are often campaigned by the Minister of Education, Culture and Research, Nadiem Makarim, namely bullying, sexual violence, and intolerance.

“For example, in the MBKM program, in the first pillar, namely Strengthening Core Competency and Quality of International Standard Education, the achievements that UNJ has achieved today will continue to be improved,” he said.

The Indramayu-born man who is also the Chairperson of the Teaching Campus Division of the Council of Rectors of State Universities throughout Indonesia, explained that this was through increasing teaching campuses, certified internships, independent studies, independent entrepreneurial independent student exchanges, and the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA).

As for the problem of bullying, sexual violence, and intolerance, Komarudin stated that he is very committed to fighting it, one of which is by forming the PPKS Task Force (Satgas) as mandated by Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021 concerning PPKS, and the establishment of the UNJ Center for Character and Civilization Achievement Development (P3KP) in 2020.

This badminton enthusiast revealed that various experiences and sharing when he was a resource person at the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) in the design of the Pancasila Curriculum and Lemhanas as well as the social reality of the current world of education, became one of the inputs for him.

The input is to further strengthen UNJ in the future not only focusing on superior education programs and internationalization but also making UNJ a campus that glorifies diversity, equality, and inclusiveness, as well as anti-bullying and sexual violence as UNJ’s motto, namely Educating and Dignifying the Nation.

“I want UNJ in realizing its goals according to the mandate of the RPJP, to remain a humanist campus that creates a sense of security, comfort, order, and health for the academic community in it,” he said.

Meanwhile, the change in UNJ’s status to PTN-BH, according to Komarudin, causes the potential assets owned by UNJ to be developed more broadly in order to become the main source of campus income, for example, the development of UNJ business in Setia Budi land assets, South Jakarta.

Then, the development of the Entrepreneurial Development Center and Edutechnopark in Duren Sawit land assets, East Jakarta; development of Pusdiklat and Culinary Business in Tajurhalang land assets, Bogor; development of UNJ land assets in Cikarang, development of UNJ Labschool, and development of integrated and interconnected IT Systems.

“Currently, there are 26 information system products that support and help the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational governance at UNJ,” he said.

As for PTN-BH often associated with the commercialization of education, Komarudin firmly stated, rejecting the practice. This is because education services should not be commercialized because they have a noble function to improve the nation’s education.

“Therefore, later when PTN-BH, the campus should not rely on students for income. That is what the public is afraid of,” he said.

As for financial readiness, according to him, the potential of various assets owned by UNJ will be maximized in accordance with the sixth pillar, namely Asset Optimization, and Strengthening Information Technology System Infrastructure for Income Generating.

The man who had served as chairman of the Indonesian Rectors Forum Education Commission said that the work program above was based on preparations for the transition of UNJ’s status change from PTN-BLU to PTN-BH in 2023 and the UNJ 2020-2045 RPJP.

In this UNJ RPJP, it is mandated that after UNJ has an independent status marked as PTN-BH, the next stage is UNJ excels among LPTK until 2045 to achieve a world reputation. The UNJ 2020-2045 RPJP is the mandate of the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 42 of 2018 concerning the UNJ Statute, especially Article 29 which states that to achieve the vision, mission and objectives as referred to in Article 24, Article 25, and Article 26.

He argues that future leadership must be sustainable and in line with the mandate of the RPJP, not to be different. If it is different, it will not achieve the big vision-mission of UNJ.

According to Komarudin, his work program cannot be separated from the mandate of the UNJ RPJP so that the stages of UNJ achievement are measurable and structured so that UNJ can achieve the vision as set out in the UNJ Statute and also related to programs from the ministry.

He hopes that all elements can participate in building UNJ to realize its vision to become a world reputable campus and educate quality graduates in accordance with the demands of the current era of globalization.

“Of course, along with that, it still realizes a humanist campus that glorifies diversity, equality, and inclusiveness, as well as anti-bullying and sexual violence,” said the professor of Learning Evaluation of Pancasila and Citizenship Education.

It should be noted, Prof. Komarudin returned as a candidate for UNJ rector through a closed plenary meeting of the UNJ Senate which took place on June 13, 2023. Previously, the former chairman of the Board of Experts of the Central Board of the Nahdlatul Ulama Bachelor Association (PP ISNU) DKI Jakarta has been the rector of UNJ since 2019.


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