Workshop on the Preparation of OPMAWA Activities in 2023

In connection with the start of the Student Government Organization’s term of office in 2023, a Workshop on the Preparation of the Student Government Organization Work Program was held on Friday, March 31, 2023 in the GHA FMIPA Conference Room Lt. 6.

The activity was opened by the host by singing the National Anthem Indonesia Raya and prayer. Followed by remarks and directions from the Dean of FMIPA UNJ, Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih N., M.Si. In his direction, the Dean emphasized that the work program must oversee and support the Main Performance Indicator (IKU) point number 2, namely students must excel in national level competition activities, and the results can be used for FMIPA students, as points in the Certificate of Diploma Companion (SKPI). The Work Program may be outside the achievement of KPI 2 provided that it can produce and realize internationalization, and it is hoped that the work program is divided into three times, namely: long-term work program, short-term work program, medium-term work program, to find out how the work program is carried out arranged continuously, innovatively and based on Information Technology. To support the activities, BEM must consult with each BEM supervisor.

The next briefing was given by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Esmar Budi, MT. In his direction, it was conveyed that BEM must be able to help and train students to go into the community, students must also be facilitated in trainings that get certificates of competence, while the direction from the Deputy Dean for General and Financial Affairs, Drs. Sudarwanto, M.Si., DEA, he said that the BEM coaching budget should be used as well as possible in supporting the KPIs, work programs that are in the nature of social assistance are not allowed, and also cannot be exhaustive of funds, and are required to manage finances in a safe and accountable manner.

The next direction was delivered by Koord. Academic and Student Administration Services, Cipto Wardoyo, S.Pd.
Students, Cipto Wardoyo, S.Pd, where students are directed in orderly administration in correspondence, SOP for submitting correspondence, and finally the direction is delivered by Staff Tendik Coord. General Administration and Financial Services, Wiwik Endang S., S.Pd, where students are given direction in managing financial mechanisms in implementing work programs from proposals to final reports The next activity was a direction from the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Diana Vivanti Sigit, M.Si, related to BEM activities, achievements of BEM activities and KPI, as well as discussing and discussing various matters related to student affairs. The activity continued with the presentation of the work program of each BEM Prodi and ended with a closing by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni. Hopefully the field of student affairs can carry out its work program and FMIPA UNJ students can achieve many achievements.

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