Graduation Ceremony for Students of State University of Jakarta, 117th Semester

Photo of the Leaders with Prof. Nizam as Acting. Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research.

Jakarta-Tuesday, March 21, 2023

UNJ Public Relations, Jakarta-Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at the Jakarta International Expo-Kemayoran, Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) held the 117th semester graduation for the 2022/2023 academic year. The event, which is held face-to-face or offline, still applies strict health protocols. The 117th semester graduation event for the 2022/2023 academic year with the theme “Building University Independence Towards a World Class University” was also broadcast live through the Edura TV UNJ YouTube channel.

Attending guests, both offline and online, were the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology and Leaders in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Nizam as Acting. Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of Kemdikbudristek, Pj. Governor of DKI Jakarta, Paristiyanti Nurwardani as Chairperson of LLDIKTI Region III, chairman of the UNJ board of trustees and members of the board of trustees, chairman and members of the UNJ board of trustees, Chairperson and Secretary of the UNJ Senate, leaders in the UNJ environment, chairman of IKA UNJ, and UNJ lecturers and employees.

In the 117th semester graduation event of the 2022/2023 academic year, UNJ graduated 1,776 graduates from the Associate Expert (D3), Bachelor (S1), Master (S2), and Doctoral (S3) Programs. With details of graduates, namely:

Faculty of Education (FIP), the number of graduates is 293 graduates.
Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS), the number of graduates is 212 graduates.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), the number of graduates is 268 graduates.
Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS), the number of graduates is 182 graduates.
Faculty of Engineering (FT), the number of graduates is 307 graduates.
Faculty of Sports Science (FIO), the number of graduates is 118 graduates.
Faculty of Economics (FE), the number of graduates is 192 graduates.
Faculty of Psychology Education (FPPsi), the number of graduates is 48 graduates.
Postgraduate Program, the number of graduates is 156 graduates.
At the 117th semester graduation of the 2022/2023 academic year, Prof. Nizam gave his scientific oration with the title “UNJ Graduates as Cadres of Indonesian Education Reform”. In his speech, Prof. Nizam, said that the development of Human Resources in Indonesia is something that we still have to improve in mutual cooperation with extra energy. The reason is, there are still many challenges that must be resolved.

In particular, we ask for the full involvement of the academic community and UNJ graduates. I hope that the light from your faces can be a beacon of light for the gloomy and complex challenges in Indonesia. Prospective teachers and education personnel from UNJ, hopefully, can shape their students to become whole human beings. As for graduates from non-educational fields of UNJ, I hope they will continue to carry the breath of education in their various fields of work. Through liberating education, we believe this nation will be more dignified and more on the path to progress, said Prof. Nizam.

Meanwhile, Prof. Komarudin as Rector of UNJ in his speech said that in line with the theme raised by Prof. Nizam, the world of education, especially UNJ must have graduates who are able to face the challenges of the era of technological disruption. For UNJ, technological disruption is an opportunity to transform “Building University Independence Towards World Class University (WCU).”. To become an independent and world-reputable university (World Class University), all UNJ academicians must build dreams, ideals, and far-sightedness.

The opening door for university independence is university autonomy, one of which is through PTN-BH status, said Prof. Komarudin.

At the end of the speech, Prof. Komarudin advised UNJ graduates that success, in addition to being determined by academic ability, is also determined by attitude, independence, hard work, social networks, and most importantly morals – civilization. Furthermore, a scholar must be present and reflect his knowledge for the benefit of many people, the benefit of the nation and state. This is one of the mandates of the scholarship that we carry, said Prof. Komarudin.


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