“Collaboration in Thesis Examinations between UNJ and UPI”

Jakarta, August 15, 2023 – This morning, the Physics Education Program of the State University of Jakarta (UNJ) held a thesis examination with the special participation of an external examiner from the University of Education Indonesia (UPI). This activity aims to strengthen the collaboration between the Physics Education Program at UNJ and academics from various universities in Indonesia. The thesis examination, which took place on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, from 08:00 to 17:00, is one of the significant milestones in the academic journey of UNJ’s Physics Education students. Students who have completed various stages of learning and research in the field of physics education will test their understanding and knowledge in this thesis examination. What makes this event special is the presence of Dr. Achmad Samsudin, an external examiner invited from the University of Education Indonesia (UPI).

Dr. Achmad Samsudin is an expert in the field of conceptual learning transformation. His participation as an examiner will provide valuable and in-depth insights into the quality of the research conducted by UNJ’s Physics Education students. Dr. Achmad Samsudin, who is also a member of the Physics Education Program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at UNJ, considers this thesis examination a crucial step in the development of science and the improvement of physics education quality in Indonesia. By sharing his knowledge and experience, he hopes to make a positive contribution to UNJ’s Physics Education students.

This thesis examination is also a platform for students to test their knowledge and skills and face deep scientific challenges. It marks the beginning of their contributions to the development of physics science and the teaching of physics in Indonesia. The entire thesis examination process took place with solemnity, attended by academic advisors, fellow students, and university representatives who supported the success of this event. The success of this thesis examination reflects the collaboration between UNJ and UPI in enhancing the quality of physics education in the country. Hopefully, the results of this thesis examination will open doors for students to further contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and physics education. It also strengthens the collaboration between universities in Indonesia in creating the next generation ready to contribute to the fields of education and physics research.

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